Best Joke, Funniest Bug, or Practical Joke You Had in Game?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gnomereaper, May 13, 2014.

  1. Dandin Augur

    Mm. I just thought of this one as I got ready for bed.

    My father and I have played EQ together for ages. Sometimes in long camps we would play tricks on eachother. We where in the same house. Computers side by side,

    I had got up to go grab a snack, and I came back to Horselord furiously fighting the named NPC.
    "Come quick!" I ran to my PC, and engaged. Tash slow. Cripple.

    Screen goes black as night. "Blinded!"
    Wears off and less then 2 seconds later I'm blinded again, took a look at his screen, perfect daylight. He can see everything
    (This was back before you could see your UI blind)

    He's laughing so hard at this point, "I guess you need better resist gear"

    Little did I know. When I went AFK. He started a /duel,

    He was blinding me.
    Not the mob

    Thanks, Dad
  2. MeloxXx Journeyman

    We had a rogue in guild a while back, not the smartest rogue either!

  3. Random_Enchanter Augur

    never done this myself but been on raids were it has been done.

    Guildbanner with illusion proc by prince in neriak 4th gate. Throw in that 70% of the raid force doesn't run but waits for banner.

    Recovery time is fun.
  4. MeloxXx Journeyman

  5. Weenukes New Member

    Back in the day on Tallon Zek when enchanters used to sell their KEI buffs at the stables for Plat a friend and I came up with this dubious Plot. We'd wait till the Enchanter had sold a lot of buffs then join his group for the buff ourselves. My druid friend would then stand close by in one of the stables and port the small group to a PVP friendly zone and we'd kill him and loot his plat.

    Evil yes but fun none the less.
    Obiziana likes this.
  6. Kolani Augur

    Not quite the funniest thing ever, but we did the Heroic Adventure in Tower of Rot last night, it was the first time we'd done anything in the zone.

    Quip of the night: "Well, at least they got some use out of all the unused ramps and sharp turns that they had left over from the last 19 expansions."
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  7. iniari-TR Augur

    best joke was doing /gu manastone rotting in Lguk. , ( long after gone / nerfed ). and getting a person to run all over the zone looking for it.

    I also loved - " /quest for bonus xp panda zone " ( still works sometimes ) :p
  8. Narye Augur

    So many...

    I long while back I was a guide, I was answering petitions in CSHome (neat area, has a house and a pool.. and an arena..) and I had to AFK, said afk in channel.
    Came back resumed answering petitions, then I had to go help someone, and I realized, my gear was missing..
    Scrolled back up, and the other guide working that day, had summoned me to the Arena, and killed me.. all the while making comments about "what it took to get a wood elf naked" THEN summonmed me back to the place I'd been in..
    So I said in channel - "dont ever afk when I'm on!" and went and rezzed and looted my corpse. GM Tyranadin told him, "you are in so much trouble!" and he laughed about it.

    About 2 weeks later, he said AFK a few.. so I zoned to skyfire, swam into the lava river, and summoned him in, and bound him there. Death loop! hahahah... he was afk about 20 minutes..

    Hmm..On Bristlebane, when I played a wizzie..
    Plane of Fear raid, back when we would "break" Fear on a Friday night or saturday morning, then farm the following week..
    A lone group broke the set rules omgosh.. and decided to zone in after we broke Fear and farm what they wanted. I guess a lot of people petitioned...
    CT Shouts "BONEMAN"
    splat.. (great amusement)
    He was rezzed, rebuffed etc, was pulling.. "BONEMAN"... for a total of 4 or 5 times
    Raid wasn't pulling, we were too busy laughing.
    He gave up and left, found out later it was a dastardly (read awesome!) GM having fun :)
  9. JolineSZ Augur

    One Message of the Day was funny, I do not have a screenshot anymore and one Broadcast by a GM on PvP server.

    Message of the Day: 1.Please be very careful when looting items! Customer service is not the raid loot distribution HQ.

    Broadcast GM PvP server: 2. Not every player who kills you is a cheater, some are simply better than you !
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  10. Khoza Augur

    Reminds me of the time on Qellious when they put the wrong server in the MotD... twice. First MotD said, "Welcome to Powar!" It soon changed to "Welcome to Povar!" Soon after it said, "Fine then, Welcome to Quellious! Happy?" (Funny that Povar and Quellious later merged.)
  11. Saave Augur

  12. Lisyonok Journeyman

    Back in the day, raiding CoA, I played a monk. I wanna say it was PoR era, as aura was out and I remember monk aura being amazing because it negated ripostes. So my guild threw me in a tank group.
    I had just finished my Arx key quest a few days before. And I was known as a joker.
    So when ready was called and pull was started, I clicked it.
    Mass confusion in raid as all the tanks disappear and load in Seru.
  13. JolineSZ Augur

    Hehe, well we had MT using gate hammer on engage in Anguish and ended in Overthere.
  14. jeskola pheerie

    Back in the old days i created a gnome necro named Pyzgin (yes 1 extra letter). I would go to qeynos hills and set her on Walk mode with no clothes on. I would walk her to the ruins amd some int caster or tracker would always run up on me spamming nukes. That was my favorite.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  15. Khoza Augur

    We had similar on a Rottrued raid, when we were engaging the totems in phase 1, one of the tanks hit Harmonic Dissonance accidentally, porting to ToB and leaving that totem's group to their deaths.

    Honestly, though, nothing beats OT hammer stories for that type of thing. I remember PoTime raids, where we didn't have enough people to cover all 5 parts of P1 at one time, we'd finish an area and people would start dueling with OT hammers to get out.
  16. asgaard Augur

    Nobody did that to me. I did it myself lol. I have an ogre warrior and, after a certain point, I didn't want to waste lev potions so I would just jump off cliffs like the zone in to WoS. It didn't do much damage and I recovered the hp quickly. The first time I went to Loping Plains, I saw the cliff and the long ramp down, and I figured I'd save some time and jump. Splat.

    That is hilarious!

    Funniest thing I've seen (other than fighting a female troll) was the time a friend and I were helping a lower level guild mate in the Buried Sea. A mob attacked him and he took off running. He was levitating and ran out over the water. There was a boat passing by at the time and it looked like he was running after it trying to get on board.
  17. Ratbo Peep Augur

    How do you think I learned the fall was fatal? :D
  18. Dolthaic New Member

    Using the necromancer AA Army of the Dead (or whatever the earlier version was) on raid bosses after they were killed used to be one of my favorite past-times. Nothing like watching the raid freak out when a giant dragon seemingly reanimates!
    Brosa likes this.