Best class for soloing from lv 85-100

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by tattered, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. tattered New Member

    I just got a email saying that I get to lv 85 with aa's .

    I quit some time like a 3 yrs ago.

    This was do to my work hrs 12 hr shift and days and nights.
    also I lost the friends I use to group with a long time ago and no one else in my family or friends want to play the game.

    I just remember having more fun with this game than any other ones.
    Would like to get back into the game but don't want to play something that is hard to solo with last time I played a enchanter and a cleric from what I read you can solo both but not the best ones to use.

    I was hoping to play a class that can power lv a another class from a different account later on maybe one that is better for groups or raids like a Bard or a druid.

    Things have changed a lot i am sure from when I played last.
  2. GeezerGamer Journeyman

    Highest is 73 (soon to change), but I don't see much soloing. It seems to be either pick up groups or boxers, often a combination of both. It's still very much a caster's game, though, with SKs appearing to be the flavor of the month. Magicians (my current class) are also highly popular, which is the class I would recommend.

    Honestly, it's no so much which class to choose (for soloing) as it is which to avoid.
  3. tattered New Member

    I don't like to solo other than to make some plat some times but because I am not on all of the time. some time cant log in for a week I don't feel good playing a healer or a warrior. If i had time to be on 3 times a week for x amount of hours I would.

    I meant to ask what class has the easiest time soloing to lv 85 for when I cant find a group or don't have the time to.
    I thought a Ranger , SK , Mage or Nerco but like I said I have been gone for a long time.
    I saw my enchanter taken from a solo God with charm to one that solo's with much more risk and not need as much in group as they use to be do to patches and the ability's that the bards got.
    This was just after ( Planes of Power expansion ) was released .
    I always tried to group with the Enchanter. had some friends waiting for me to log in a Husband and wife team ( cleric and a warrior ) and there Uncle a mage. we did great together until he husband and with quit the game to play something else.
  4. complexication Kassina

    if anything a caster class such as a wizard or a magician would probably be your best bet. I got my magician from 1 to her current level (40) surprisingly quickly.

    SKs are a good solo once you get the hang of it, plus they have aas and spells that leech hp and mana so you can hold yourself off for a good while once you get high enough to be able to use those. I've only been playing my SK for less than six months and I'm halfway into level 94 currently.

    But it's really up to you, in my opinion any class can be soloable if you get the hang of playing it.
  5. silku Augur

    Enchanters have a little bit of a rough time from 85-90, but as soon as you get the new charm (Compelling Edict lvl 92) and Combo Rune (Spectral Unity lvl 90) you come back to that feeling of power. I'd say at 100 it's easier to charm than it's ever been.

    My order of ease to solo from 85-100 would be in this order:
    1. Necro
    2. Mage
    3. Sk/beastlord/paladin
    4. About everyone else.

    From 92-100 though I'd put it more like:
    1. Necro
    2. Mage
    3. Sk/Enchanter/beastlord/paladin
    4. Everyone else

    Mileage varies though. For instance, I can't stand kiting or root rotting. So a necro is definitely not for me. I also find a mage to be fairly boring, without much control of the situation. Rangers/Zerkers/Rogues can solo certain areas very well, but they are limited where they can do it quickly. Zerkers having the best of the 'headshot' type abilities, also have the least amount of tanking ability; making it difficult for them to do the best exp worth of content unless raid geared. Rangers can headshot very well but like rogues are limited to humanoids.

    Sk+Paladin do so well because they don't need a healer merc for normal content. They can heal themselves. Then they can pull out a caster merc and do blues quite well and quickly.

    Beastlords can heal their pet as well as a cleric can heal a player for the most part. So they can also put up the cleric merc, pet tank and then use a wizard merc for dps.

    Monk should have made my list, because they are extremely self sufficient. Having high dps, high utility, easy of pulling and fd for bad situations. They don't tank as well as they used to, but if you can get raid gear I hear they can tank any group content.

    Shaman/Druid/Cleric can all molo as well, or even root rotting/reverse charm kiting etc. They aren't shabby at all. If you choose one of these though be used to groups expecting you to heal. That'st he role they play. As a solo class I wouldn't recommend them, unless you just like their style of play. If you are going to raid though, there is usually a slot guaranteed for a competent healer.

    Bard. Well they are great for groups. They can do some swarm kiting still, using charm. They solo decently, but I wouldn't put them at the top of the list. Groups though love them. Raids love them. (I hear they are a bit boring on raids anymore though =/)

    That leaves warrior. Warrior is one of those that will be a pain to solo. You can do it. But you need to love the class. You'll be very limited in what you can kill and more importantly in how long it takes. For the most part, youll never be without a cleric merc so your kill speed is going to be a lot less than a knight, and being a tank your dps is going to be much lower than one of the others. But if you love being a big old meat shield, this is your class. (Raids love a warrior who knows what they are doing as well.)

    TLDR - Pick a class you enjoy, and all of them can molo something. If you are looking for pure speed Pet class or Knight will probably do just fine.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  6. Borek-VS Augur

    I wouldn't put a beastlord quite that high, either in solo ability or pet healing - through those level ranges up to 80/85, at least.

    I'd also argue that ranger headshot is still better than decapitation, due to working at range, and assassinate has some added value thanks to escape (etc). Rogues all benefit from easy poisons, which are a big thing at lower levels. But these three classes all still fit into your "everything else" category :).
  7. Quatr Augur

    As I recall, BST warders got a big boost in HOT (level 86+) when pet tanking/off-tanking became viable again. Prior to HOT, BSTs complained that their warders were just "always on" DOTs.
    Borek-VS and silku like this.
  8. tattered New Member

    I may try a Nerco. But as someone said I am not much for kiting, I just liked the look of the nerco when they are in there reaper form lol. I may just go with a Mage or a SK unless they nerfed SK swarming. I like to help others and and helping them lv up if I have the time is cool because usually helping others will lead them to help you at some other time.
    I just don't like to play a class that I have to wait forever forever to get a group, and then find out it is very difficult to solo or the cost of the merc that helps you its up your profit because it takes to long for you to kill the mob or mobs.
    Cleric, Druid, Shaman and a warrior would be the ones i would think that would be expensive to play because of the time it takes to kill the mobs
  9. tattered New Member

    Would also be nice to have a toon that could first help power lv a toon on a different account to lv 85 or be good at farming for money.
    Then I could work on a Druid, enchanter or warrior after I took the easier class to lv 100 to power lv them.
  10. tattered New Member

    I next have to figure what server to go to. I would guess vox has the higher population
  11. Chikkin Augur

    For server populations, look for a thread called "server populations" in the Veteran's forum. It should be on the first page, or maybe the second. Vox is very active. It is not however the highest, or near-highest population.