Best class for a bronze member who likes to solo(FV)

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Nate550, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Nate550 New Member

    cool thanks.... hmm guess im leanin twards necro when my internet finishes DLing / patching sometime tomorrow lol.
  2. Nate550 New Member

    Lol everyones talking about 100s of aa's like their nothing, back when i played the most uber players could only farm like maybe 2-3aas an hour and that was godly speed, whats it like now?
  3. Tegila Augur

    just to give you an example of today'sgame: sk's max over 11k. dont let that number intimidate you though, it comes fast. there's a low-aa bonus all the way to 4k, and most classes can cover their bases in taht 4k. at 0 aa you get a 10x mod slowly rampingdown to the regular 1x at 4k. this also of course makes bronze and silver outlive its usefulness faster.

    as for speed it varies with your gorup and killspot etc, but in a group in RoF (current expac) one can easily burn through 30aas an hour without trying and without any xp mods, thats at 90-100 level though. the speed of aa has some sweetspots based on gear available now, zones, and level, but overall the speed goes up as do the costs. runspeed costing 1aa to start , for the classes taht get run8, the cost skyrockets. things like combat agility may cost 5 at one level and 18 at another, there are some aas taht cost over 20 for 1 rank. teh earlier aas have not gone up in costs only the later ones
  4. Nate550 New Member

    LOL Ok figured at lvl 80+ its easier now because your farming more exp points but was wondering about earlier on the 10x exp explains it all >_< thanks. So somone said i can probably grind to 50 in 6hrs played, sounds like maybe hes l337 but even if longer wht are lvls 51-100 like now? i remember 51-60 used to take as long as 1-50 and 61-65 took the same... is that still true? And then what about 66+? can someone give me their estimate of how long 65+ level ranges take to grind thru useing levels 1-50 as a referance? Thanks. know im being a needy noob but appreciate the info, DL takein all day figure may as well not be totally lost when i start heh.
  5. Nate550 New Member

    lol wow got edited on the noo word lol
  6. Tegila Augur

    the G version of wimp also gets censored heh...

    anyway, the way tank emrcs are 1-60 is fast and easy, they lose their overpowered ness about 60 or 65 though. it does take longer as yo uelvel up always has, there are many now that havent finished the 5 levels from 95 to 100 and its been over a month plu 3-4 days dbl xp and huge task rewards, however as the elvel caps go up earlier levels get even faster. getting to 90 from 85 took lot longer when new than it does now, etc. you're not itnended to get from lvl 1-100 in a week, though if yo uwere pl'd and skipped aa's, you can easily, but thts not the poitn of hte game or a good way to do things. 1-70, fine. after that or at least by that time, should be focusing on getting all yoru level-appropriate aas eveyr 5 or so so taht you can keep up with the content as you level. aa's are huge aspects to the game now and content is geared around them. a level 100 with 0 aa's will be absolutely useless even in content 10levels lower, and will ahve a much harder time catching up even leeching from others.
  7. Nate550 New Member

    My main concerne with what your saying is i plan to play on FV, where everything is tradeable, so being able to farm gold and items worth gold is going to be huge for me. At level 70 how gimpd on gold / item farm spots will i be? if i farm the right spots will i be able to farm atleast near the amount a lvl 85+ farms in a day? because i dont want to sit around aaing at 70-75-80 to find out that i could have rushed a little to 85-90 and even being sort of gimpd had the things i can handle with low-no aas be dropping 10x as much pp worth of loot. Is there a large enough lvl 1-84 player base that there is a demand for lower level gear? Or will even my most outrageously lucky high end loots be worthless befor 85+? I realize the fact that a level 100 being able to go farm lvl 70ish raid loot and sell it for a fairly cheap price is going to drive down the price of mediocre common group / solo loot, but say level 61-84 spell runes, high end no level required twink items ect will those be able to get my bank roll going even if im only level 70-75-80 gaining aas?
  8. Nate550 New Member

    lolol PROVED YOU WRONG ON ACCIDENT! lol sorry...
  9. Sophia Lorekeeper

    If you can get the camp, you'll rake in the platinum grinding AAs in the Hole at 70. I can't think of many other zones with a more consistent flow of high-value vendor trash.

    That said, the molo combos you keep suggesting with such confidence (warrior + cleric merc, shaman + tank merc) betray how long it's been since you've been out of the game. Named mobs in the pointy-end of EQ have massive amounts of health and deal massive amounts of damage, and the vast majority of combinations will fall short on DPS, healing, or tanking past 85 or so.

    Furthermore, as bronze or silver, soloing meaningful nameds simply cannot be done. You won't have the AAs, you won't have a J5 cleric merc (necessary to go the distance), and the money cap will prevent you from buying pretty much anything worthwhile on FV.

    If you go gold, a few molo combos come to mind for handling high-end names:

    1. Necro + cleric. If the pet can stay alive under cleric/necro healing, then the necro can do it. They can sustain DPS and sustain it hard, and mana is not an issue. Their ability to slow (following undead-type debuffs) can make all the difference.

    2. Mage + cleric, as stated many times. Their tank pets are sturdier by nature, but an ability to go the distance isn't guaranteed. No natural ability to slow (or snare, for that matter).

    3. A knight + a cleric merc. Paladins have an amazing capacity to outlast mobs and win by attrition; SK as well, but a little faster, a little less safe. It will take forever in either case, and a major problem is that you'll need the kind of gear that you were intending to fund by killing the nameds, for which you need the gear... However, both classes are great at raking in AAs solo.

    There are other possibilities but I think those are probably the 3 most suited, assuming large amounts of AAs and proper equipment (someone leap in and correct me if I'm wrong!)
  10. Tegila Augur

    eq isnt really a game built for overpowering stuff that's an upgrade, i mean it happens some like right now in SL on the weakened mobs anyone can molo for the trash drops and get upgrades but theyre not the best available and its entirely chance, not like kill a named get an item etc. being on FV im guessing the pursuit of gear isnt part of your EQ dream as it is on normal servers, moreso the pursuit of plat (something i never understood but to each his own) but if you want to farm plat from vender drops, or from sellign twink items, your answers will vary here, and no a lvl 70 is never going to farm as much plat an hour as an 85 nor an 85 as a 100, and they shouldnt.
  11. Borek-VS Augur

    Looking back at history, for the Kunark/Velious/Luclin/PoP era - necros didn't really need the gear, as they had superior mana regen no matter what. At the end of that era the iksar skullcap was upgraded with a pact spell, and flowing thought came in with Luclin/PoP. The 50s/60s pets were a step down from the last classic pet, but the 60s spectres were ok.

    For mages, the 50s pets were a problem - if you had epic, you ruled; and if you didn't, you sucked - it really was night and day. The 61 air pet, and the rest of the PoP pets, were amazing - 61 was basically as good as the epic, which highlights how bad the 50s had been.

    Moving on from there, necros have had reasonable power increases, although the pets got gradually weaker and weaker (I'm not sure about the latest pets), with a lot of power variation due to AAs - like the wake the dead pets (which started from PoP), and pet focus items.

    Magicians have more or less kept up their pet power, with the same impact from AAs/pet focus, although the focus makes more of a difference to them, as so much of their power comes from the pet.