Best Casting order for Shaman Box ?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Sobmre, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Sobmre Augur

    What do you guys have as casting macros for best results
  2. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Assuming I'm not healing, I usually start out with Malo AA and Slow AA or Counterbias. In groups I find dots to be pretty much not worth casting due to things dying so fast. If you are playing a melee dps you can cast the puma line, but if you don't have a melee dps it isn't worth it. Also pet attack. My experience has been that shamans aren't worth boxing unless you are going to heal, since their dps is very lackluster.
  3. Rhaage Augur

    When I duo'd with my Nec / Shm:
    AA Malo
    AA Slow (counterbias usually on named)
    (sometimes cripple, not sure if it really did anything useful but for awhile it was there)
    Pet Attack
    (pet relocate sometimes)
    quick dot 1
    quick dot 2
    poison dd
  4. Thash Zoner

    Spells with a refresh timer. Aside from usual shaman slowing/debuffing/healing duties, one macro:

    Poison nuke
    Short duration dot
    Short duration dot

    Might have had an ice nuke in there, or slam, it was a while ago and i was only 95. Shaman easily outdamaged the warrior with raid equipment. Switch up the order as circumstances dictate.
  5. FixShamanPlease Elder

    Best Dps results is like this:


    First Spell is quick poison nuke so you can cast it again
  6. Sobmre Augur

    mine right now is

    Spell malo with dot
    AA slow
    Roar of lion
    fast dot
    fast dot
  7. Ralgy New Member