Bertox Down

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Shash, May 1, 2014.

  1. Shash Journeyman

    Bertox server just went down.
  2. strongbus Augur

    its not down i am in on it atm. but when wife goes in it shows down lol
  3. Shash Journeyman

    I was zoning and crashed, when I tried to log back on the server was down - my husband was afk in pok and crashed as well. Had to turn off computer to get out of the frozen screen.
  4. SOE-MOD-02 Augur

    It does appear to be having some issues. We are investigating it. Thank you for the information!
  5. strongbus Augur

    ya i haven't zoned wife did and crash and got the server down thing. i am sitting in gl and not moving till they fix it. but they will most likely have to take the server down to do it.
  6. RS78 Lorekeeper

    And again...
  7. cdarla New Member

    come on let's get this fixed people have to log in so they can AFK in the lobby sheesh
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