Berserker 1.5 final fight

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Khugar, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. Khugar New Member

    I've attempted to 'break' the weapons on the quest guy 4 times now, and this latest attempt someone came with me to hold aggro so riposte didn't trigger and kill it (like has happened previously). At 110, doing the 1.5 quest ridiculous. It may as well say, beat a lvl 1 skeleton to below 20% hps, but don't kill it. We need the ability to turn decap off.
  2. Igniz Augur

    Probably would be enough to flag the mob immune to decap (and a lot easier to implement).
  3. Lheo Augur

    4 hotkeys with the 4 axes and turning the back to the mob may help:)
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth and Tiggold like this.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    The simplest solutions are often the best.