Because I can't remember

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Deavirtus, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Deavirtus Lorekeeper

    Does anyone know if there is a way to see how many veteran rewards you have left that are claimable?

    With as many times as I have tried to come back I just can't remember how many I have claimed.. or even who I have claimed them on.
  2. Sparkes Autumblaze New Member

    You get 1 vet reward for each year. So that is about the only way to know.
  3. Jabastis New Member

    I don't think you can see how many you've already claimed without checking all of your characters for veteran rewards individually.
  4. silku Augur

    Type /played. It tells you how much you are entiteld to. You get one character for each year, and 1 veteran AA type per year (each year you get a new AA). But you can't see ho w many you have already claimed.
  5. Deavirtus Lorekeeper

    That's what I was afraid of, I guess I'll just have to start from the most important char to the least :D I know I have some unclaimed just for the life of me can't remember if I claimed some or not.

    (And going through servers/alts well I know it sounds strange but some I won't touch for sentimental reasons)