BB call for assistance

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Flatchy, Feb 2, 2023.

  1. Flatchy Court Jester

    Hey smelly troll here and am asking for a patient person to give me a hand. I need the 2 achievements (well want really) done so I can get my savior status to upgrade my cloak. I need.
    1. The spirit fades - THICK SKIN
    2. Under siege - No Dark Heart

    I believe these require me being in the task and doing God knows what to accomplish this. IF you are on BB server and available around 3 30 pm till 6 pm (central) I would offer a mill each if you would walk me through it with your box set. You guys seem to blast through these so should not take too long I hope. If you see me online and want some plat gimme a hollar please I would greatly appreciate it!
    Celephane, Yinla, Duder and 1 other person like this.
  2. Alnitak Augur

    1. During fight when that "green aura" is cast it calls a player by name (this case - you) - you have to run away far enough before the follow-up debuf hits. Running just outside the room is far enough - you need to be outside of the green aura. Players called at random, so it is not guaranteed that you have an opportunity for that during a typical hard-dps mission. Perhaps your group-mates may wish to slow down dps to guarantee that you get called.
    2. Similarly, during the boss fight she casts some debuff on you (random player chosen) - it looks like "black heart" icon, lasts over 30 seconds. Your vision will get "blood filter" - everything will be red-tinted.
    While the debuf is on you - you need to run back to vah-shirs , target any "spiritist" and "/say help". The spiritist will remove the debuf.
    The achievement - to remove all debuffs casted on you during fight. If you didn't get the debuf (it's random) - you do not get the achievement.
  3. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Important to note that the MT does not get targeted with either of these things unless they are the only available target.

    You can make it faster for a specific person to get targeted by having as many people as possible leave the zone until the emoting is complete.
    Svann2 likes this.
  4. Flatchy Court Jester

    Thank you for the explanations.
  5. Windance Augur

    I was able to get those achievements for my SK by using a monk to tank the boss during the debuf phase.
  6. Ozon Augur

    For the first one Thick Skin: we usually kill Worm > Sperm > Gumdrops, easiest way, have group stay at zone in (the tunnel), pull mobs to you kill as normal. When Sperm pops up, have only the people who want achiev on aggro. Yhe aura wont go in to the actual tunnel, more than a few feet, you can pull the mobs to the back half with no issues. Get the buff, wait till it drops. Continue as normal with event.

    Dark Heart: Do first 2 phases however you like, when boss pops, take her to the cat side of the bridge. Only those who want/need achiev on aggro, MT can NOT get the buff. Get buff on the, say "help" to Spiritist buff drops continue as normal. She won't cast the buff for about 2 min.
  7. Celephane Augur

    Sorry, just saw your post now...will shoot you a tell on Friday from my SK and see how are you on this.
  8. Cicelee Augur

    Thick skin targets the person lowest on aggro meter. Best way is to have you, tank and healer. Everyone else zone out temporarily. You hit mob once to get on aggro, then wait. Tank and healer are building up aggro to be higher than you. After awhile you will get the debuff on you. Run out of the room (back of that tunnel hallway thing is good), when debuff is off you everyone zone in and kill it.

    Easy peasy lemon squeezy
  9. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It's random. Has nothing to do with agro. I got it for all of my chars without zoning anyone out in the same mission. Having everyone zone out except the tank and healer will drastically increase the speed one will get it though.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    The two times I have received it, I was lowest on aggro. And this is what was told to me. You could be right, and the person who told me and my personal experience was just a coincidence and it is totally random.
  11. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Frustrating when the same person gets it over again and those golems are inching closer and closer.
    Toukan likes this.
  12. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    I did it for my crew, and got it for all my chars in the same run including both Zerkers. No way they had lower agro than my Cleric. Gotta be just the RNG playing with us all..
  13. Kalamos Augur

    Yep its random. The only player that will never get emoted is the one highest on the hate list when it goes off.
  14. Flatchy Court Jester

    Hey sorry I was out of town last weekend so not available. I appreciate the offer and hope Ill be on some time that works for you.
  15. Svann2 The Magnificent

    deleted. posted to wrong thread!