Bazaar on Silver Account

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Kindarr, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Kindarr New Member

    Does anyone know if they have any plans to enable "Trader" feature on Silver accounts?

    On one hand I can understand their rationale for not allowing this for Silver accounts, as the Hero's Journey provides a method for gearing up players. However, this is a unique aspect of the game, selling gear (even just extra Defiant gear) and is a cool way to get new and returning players involved in some of the more social aspects of the game.

    Anyway, just wondering.
  2. Sebbina Augur

    There are folk that have what amounts to permanent buyers/sellers in the bazaar, if silver accounts were allowed to be buyers-sellers, then just about every one would be making a new account to sell their loots, (and more buyers as well). This would happen with no chance for increased revenues, and it is likely that some accounts that are there now would fall to silver status and lose revenues. While SOE does want more accounts to be revenue positive, there would need to be a way to monetize it, possibly a Silver Plus account paying say 1 krono/60 days or half fee on continued, I tend to doubt that will occur.
  3. Shanaie Lorekeeper

    In addition to what Sebbina says, it would also represent erosion of the value of a gold account. Anytime you take something that was 'subscription only' and add it to free or 'just about free' (silver), you reduce the value of the gold level. That's probably not something SOE is looking to do.
  4. Toquillaw Augur

    The ability to have a trader is worth paying for.