Bazaar and gold restriction.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Coardan, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Coardan Elder

    I wish silver and f2p could set up traders. I feel the bazaar is a little lacking sometimes, I used to love browsing but there just doesn't seem to be.a large amount of traders with high turn over of items, especially for lower levels.

    So was thinking maybe another option here would restrict the maximum amount of plat an item could sell for on non gold accounts and maybe the amount of items that they could sell? Keep offline gold only. So maybe limit the plat to 5k? Would let people sell their defiant drops and other items of that value.
  2. Jezzie Augur

    It would mean that people would set up free mules in the /baz selling items for 5k that other people are asking more for, I sell lots of items for 5k+ and wouldn't want that kind of competition. Keep offline gold v set up second free account and keep that computer on 7 days a week, kind of takes away from the draw of paying for a subscrption don't you think?
  3. Oranges Augur

    What, you can't set up a trader if you're F2P or Silver?

    What kind of bull is that.
  4. Coardan Elder

    That is a good point. I wonder what effects it would have on the economy, maybe even lower then? A 1000? I thought it would add more of a draw, because people would like using the system and would want more.
  5. --Voodoo-- Augur

    In the past I would have been fine keeping /trader as a gold only feature.

    Now, with the ability to have items parcelled to you, almost no one ever goes to the bazaar. Makes it even harder to sell things.
  6. Jezzie Augur

    Vox has a very healthy bazaar, plenty of buyers, can't comment on other servers though