Battle Royal, I have a feeling I'm doing it wrong

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Unpleasant, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Unpleasant Journeyman

    Hi, so as the title suggests, trying to get Battle Royal achievement for The Fall of Lord Bayle mission. Now the achievement requires you let 8 royals be up at once, and from the write up on alla, 5 royals spawn at the start, and 4 at the end for Lord Bayle himself. So what we have been trying to do is keep 4 royals mezzed from the start, which has been proving hectic, especially with the joy of beguilers the very next named.

    I'm just going off the info I'm seeing here, I only saw the mission/beat it one other time besides last night's attempts. Is this the way it has to be done, or am I doing it wrong here? I don't think the group make was the problem, for last attempt was SHD/WAR/CLR/DRU/RNG/ENC, no boxes. Thanks for any advice, even if the advice is to just stop sucking, lol.
  2. Apoc Augur

    You have like no dps
    Axxius likes this.
  3. lagkills Slain by Fippy while guards stood and watched.

    Beguilers is the trickiest part.

    [Fear fruit] in theory should help.
  4. Niphreedil New Member

    If you're trying to get the first 4 pop mezzed until nearly the end, when you can get 4 more, it should work and that's how my team won it. The fact you need more dps, more tanks or more healing isn't really the issue. If you can win the event with an echanter then you can also win the achievement, it's just harder.

    Also, if you don't like the type of the first 4 mobs, you can retake the mission.
    Axxius likes this.
  5. Unpleasant Journeyman

    You'd be amused to know we lost because the cleric over-dpsed the namer at the worst time....

    Agreed, totally did that for the first one, didn't last long enough for the second, or third...

    Thank you for the confirmation here, thought someone might tell me 10 royals spawned at end and I was all wrong, lol.
  6. Pwnography Augur

    Personally, I run a mage to pet tank the named and I pick up the adds. That alone increases your dps significantly. You can either have the mage responsible for healing their pet and drop a dps, or keep the two healers and have an extra dps. As for the adds, I typically use a bard to pull them all to a corner and keep them locked. I pick up and offtank the last two and we start the killing there - but an enchanter should be fine.

    Your only dps is one ranger, really. I'm not sure how you even keep up with the timed spawns at that rate, unless the enchanter is blowing things up between mezzes and your druid is putting in work while side healing. In any case, Arch Mage is the only *random* element to the fight. I have dps start burns the moment the first beguiler pops. In your case - you have two tanks, though, and the mezz is only 40 counters with two curing classes, both with Radiant available. You're basically running the safest possible composition. Beguilers should pose absolutely no threat to your party (especially if the tanks aren't stacked together and get mezzed at the same time. Protip - don't stack up.) If one tank is mezzed, the other should already have thrown some residual agro, snap the loose mob, and pop a defensive.

    What I'm ultimately getting to is that I don't understand the difficulty. You're looking at a long event with your composition, but its very risk averse. What exactly is the problem your finding during Arch Mage with two tanks, two healers, and an easily curable mezz? Also, I'm assuming you're in group gear? I run one tank, one cleric, a bard, and three dps when farming the aug. I'm assuming your gear level might be the reason you're bringing so much safety. In that case, is the ranger enough sustain to keep you going through the timed spawns and percentage adds by himself?
  7. Unpleasant Journeyman

    Wish I could blame group gear, but only about half the group was group geared in this scenario... I would say the main issue was getting adds down in time, and the whole cleric turn undead + smite undead on the convoker when 2 adds were already up... We had 1 other ranger in earlier attempts, but the ranger offtanking was just plain pathetic.

    So yea, I agree with you, I have no idea why such a composition went so badly, I tried to make as decent of group as I could for sustained control. Seems the case is needing to suck less :)
  8. Marshall Maathers Augur

    It's amazing how many problems I have solved by resolving to suck less.
    Axxius, Ravengloome and Mintalie like this.
  9. Unpleasant Journeyman

    One can only make others suck less so much unfortunately....
    Mintalie likes this.
  10. Mintalie Augur

    Need moar deeps... the cleric undead overnuking nothwithstanding.
  11. Vlerg Augur

    you are severly lacking damage... I suppose adds pile up and you need all your ressource to get trough the beguiler boss

    if you could swap 1 tank for 1 mage you'd win alot of DPS.

    if you can swap a healer for another DPS ( likely a ranged one, due to the mage pet tanking) you'd win a ton of DPS.

    you said you had a bunch of raid gear... if your enchanter can tank the yellow adds on top of mezzing the blue one, you can swap the last tank for another DPS ( optionnal, but would help a ton)

    Did it several time, smoothest run was cler-mage-chanter-wiz-wiz -necro ( can swap a necro or a wiz for wathever class you need to carry)
  12. lefous Elder

    simple chanter he alone in is corner need 1 cleric 1 tank pal war or sk monk to grab any pet class to tank mini prefere bst and uge dps and you golden very easy just say u doing whit 5 peep chanter only mezz
  13. RPoo Augur

    Have your chanter charm one of the royals at the start and keep it charmed till the end it can be the last royal to die. Scint. beam the rest with a mix of stares if having issues with scint.beam. chaotic mez for the other one or two.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    Just play better.

    or SK/Chant/Cleric 3 wizards


    Chant Tanks adds, SK tanks boss, Cleric beast modes healing, Wizards do what they do.
  15. Silv Augur

    To add, make sure you charm one of the Evokers. It will nuke for 60k+ throughout the battle. Just be careful not to let it die if you constantly send it on Bayle and he does the Claymore emotes.
  16. Silentchaos Augur

    I want to do this
  17. Axxius Augur

    We've done this ach several times with an enchanter mezzing the initial 4 adds through the mini stages, and then the other 4 adds. Even used one of them as a charm pet. The 'feature' of this event is that the mezzes expire much faster than normal, so you just have to cast Stare or Wave a lot.

    One other time we did this with a bard AE mezzing them. The ability to bunch the adds together (Lure) is a great help there. And bard is awesome for instantly curing beguiler mezzes and vicar/priest reverse ds off the tanks.

    So you just need a cc player in the group, and that player must not suck.
  18. Iila Augur

    Yeah, non-dot debuffs get a random duration reduction. My 15 minute snare could last 3 ticks on the adds, so my backup CCing of vinelashing and snaring the adds was just as random and unpredictable as the mezes.

    For snare, you can keep recasting till you get one that lands for a high duration. If you feel like microing buff durations.
  19. Marshall Maathers Augur

    The others can't really suck either :p
  20. Axxius Augur

    I'm pretty sure a paladin can just stand in the corner and do nothing but twinsplash the middle of the room.