Basic Economics

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Warzon, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. Warzon Elder

    I have played on all the TLPs. One constant so far has been this:

    Some people are there only to farm krono, and that disrupts the experience for others.

    So much so, that they took to the boards and blamed boxers as reason this is a problem. So new servers were created, where boxing is rendered impracticable (truebox is just silly, setting up different physical boxes, and it is absurd to think most boxers on truebox servers actually do this, they do not, they just break the rules).

    Despite this, there are STILL people there only to farm krono. In actual fact, the ONLY reason I play on the Truebox TLP is to farm krono. I've played on all of them, and I use and abuse them for krono, and then abandon the server. There are legions of us that do this. It's the only reason to play on them really. Long term they are not viable, because you can't get anything done in later expansions without your own group. EQ just isn't a good game for most people who want to log on and play for a couple hours after work. You can sort of think you're pulling it off in the early expansions, but by the time you're deep into DoDh, you realize that you're spending more and more time getting less and less done. And by the end of TBS you realize you would really like to maybe just box two toons so you can run maybe three instances a night instead of one or zero.

    The other major issue, is early game monopolization of content by the few. This was solved completely by Agents of Change instancing. AoC is fantastic, and I wish very much it would be rolled out to all servers. AoC is the real reason truebox servers were successful. It works because it provides the opportunity for those who want to raid, but who are not interested in competing for content, to see this content. And by leaving the open world mobs in the game, it also provided those who wanted to compete and race, the ability to do that. You still didn't get loot, because you are sheep that follow corrupt leaders who steal loot from your guild and sell it for krono, because the only reason to play on those servers is to acquire krono for your real characters on your real server.

    The superiority of a solution that allows every play style to do what they want is obvious.

    So with the new servers we were hoping at least one would allow boxing. Even better if one or both used the FV rules for what is, and is not, no drop. I want to make my crew, hop into a pickzone until I feel like raiding, then go pop my raid instance and kill the mob, put the gear on whatever toon, pass hand-me-downs to other toons, and for the most part, never bother anyone else on the server ever.

    That the playstyle of big boxers is offensive to a portion of the playerbase is their problem. Truebox servers have let them turn it into my problem. This particular round is fine, I wasn't looking to start over, but I think it is time for the big boxers to start making noise.

    Will I boycott the new servers? No. I'll play there and dominate like I always do. I'll be selling the loot you covet for krono you don't have and can't afford and aren't skilled enough to go get yourself within days of the servers launching, like I always do. And when the economy dies and you've quit because you never got good, I'll abandon it too, taking my gains with me.

    If you are a boxer, and would like to ever see another server that isn't Truebox limited, start posting.

    Those folks blaming us for their own failings have gotten us shut out time and time again. They got away with it because we weren't the squeaky wheel. It's time to speak up.

    Truebox is a fine variation on a set of rules. It should NOT be acceptable as the standard going forward. And for people that just LOVE their truebox server, these new servers are going to kill the old ones, so you should be just as bothered by near-identical releases that cater to the people you rely on to log in on a regular basis.
    Klang likes this.
  2. Crayon123 Augur

    Out of all the things people are complaining about right now, this is not one of them.
  3. The Hated One Augur

    It should be. Boxing is F U N. Boxers run lots of accounts. Boxers farm LOTS of gear which some boxers sell...and non boxers BUY krono to hand to boxers for that gear. Boxers account for the lions share of accounts I would bet. I know very few people who play 1 account. Im sure they will storm this thread and say otherwise but I pay for 6...and the wife pays for 6. So for every one trueboxer I = 6. Multiply that by all the boxers and I bet you can do the math. Am I mad about these 2 servers? a little. Im more disappointed that the people running the game are . I mean we have all seen the stupid stuff they have done the last 3-4 years. Then for the OH MY GOD 20TH ANNIVERSARY!!! they in all their great wisdom launch 2 stupid freeking servers. Sure...there will be a minority of people who will like them. I pointed that out in other threads...but the MAJORITY of us dont like them. So...they are . Who markets a product to the minority? duh...
    Klang and Pirlo like this.
  4. The Hated One Augur

    Sub developmentally delayed for the ************
  5. Klang Lorekeeper

    The last few servers have all been true box - since 2015 (Lockjaw / Ragefire were the last). And those are the only servers that implemented Agent of Change mechanics.

    Basically, DBG is selling you the classic progression theme again with Phinigel / Coirnav - with just some tuning on expansion unlock or experience rates.

    I expected a bit more and different variety for the upcoming 20th anniversary. Something for the boxers (who have waited since 2015) - and something different - perhaps a FV ruleset or something else. Something original.

    What we ended up with was more of the same. My expectation for the crowd that is tired of waiting for something really new is they will go do something else...