Bard questions

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vontod, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Vontod Augur

    Hey guys,

    I have been debating giving this server a go since the information was released on it a while back. I usually play two characters, so the "true box" was a bittersweet announcement since it meant I couldn't do that, but I (hopefully) wouldn't see giant mage armies as much.

    Anyway, last night I decided to start a character up, at least until the RF population evens out again (again, hopefully). This whole time, the debate was between a SK, shaman, or necro. Based on play time chunks, I am definitely a casual and need to be able to solo sometimes. Last night, I narrowed it down to a troll SK or shaman, and then this morning it hit me; why not a bard?

    I've tried bards in the past on live way back when, and again on fippy. One bard I got up to the charm song, found that I either sucked at it or it was as efficient as I thought, and shelved him. How does the pet aggro affect this? Can I charm a pet and fight beside it now while debuff ing the enemy mob?

    So, I think I want to give a bard a shot. I don't want to set my laptop up next to my rig to box, so I want to give this server a shot for grouping. Bards can travel, track, are wanted in groups (I'm told...), are melee based, and intrigue ne. Don't know much past that, Amy experienced ones want to chime in?

    TL; DR version:
    -Did the pet aggro change affect bard charms
    -Any no brainer bard advise for a complete noob

  2. Fhiele Augur

    Bard is a more complex class. There's a ton of grouping opportunities. I think in many groups, your job would be puller and crowd control. You'd probably do haste/hp regen/self-haste/dot for many of the levels, and melee in too. The question does become "should I dual wield and melee" or "should I use instruments and not melee". I don't have enough experience to answer that, but most bards seem to melee.
  3. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Bards are tricky and take a bit of getting used to but if you really sink in and learn the class you won't be disappointed.

    I'm curious how the pet changes have affected bard charm, also.
  4. Finley Augur

    The pet changes did affect bard charming. You should be able to safely melee when solo charming because now your pet can hold aggro. It should also allow your charm to pull "double duty" CC in groups as your charmed pet can offtank relatively easily.
  5. Soon Augur

    Melee or instrument depends on group set up and situations. Make sure you know how songs and intrument affects them. Try to learn swapping intrument for min-maxing. Actually, most of the TLP bards are boxed. Try figure out yourself instead of asking. I am sure you will get more accurate answer. And also, some of the info on p99 website is wrong. Don't rely on them. Regarding bard charm, I donno yet. I am only 11 on Phinny.
  6. Vontod Augur

    So, overall the pet changes were a buff? Awesome! I'm actually really excited for the bard now. Kinda sucks that the only gate I have is restricted to my origin and no FD until later on, but such is the life of a Melle I suppose.
  7. Vontod Augur

    No p99? Okay... change of plans for info.