Bard questions-Race and Deity

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kellindell, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Kellindell Journeyman

    A lot of the more up to date guides say "race doesn't matter" in the end because of gear. But back in 99 I remember race choice and stat allocation really mattering.

    I like the wood elf look more than half elf, but half elf stats are much better. When does race choice stop mattering? Wis being a dump stat for bards, Wood elves waste 20 points on it, is that a huge deal?

    If you choose wood elf, do you mess with the auto stat allocation? I was thinking of taking 10 out of cha and putting it into dex, but im wondering if I should up sta or str.

    Deity. I know everyone says go agnostic to use the dark elf mask to open up more areas. But I am reading about a lot of deity specific gear and quests. I would probably go with Tunare, Karana or Erollisi Marr. I feel like going agnostic in a world where people use divine magic from deities and you can meet deities is weird.

    I know the benefits of being agnostic, but I dont know the exact draw backs of not choosing a deity. What gear and quests am I giving up? Are any AAs deity specific?

    Any feed back is appreciated.
  2. Itzmatt86 Elder

    I enjoy human. Higher starting strength. Good rounded stats. As for who to worship, i recommend do NOT go agnostic and to go veeshan. Veeshan has no modifiers except for a very small bonus to claws of veeshan (please someone correct me if i am wrong) and more importantly if you are like me with very limited playtime you can wear heraldic dragonkin armor. Human cultural. Very sexy.
  3. Kellindell Journeyman

    Thanks for your feedback.

    As a human bard do you ever get a way to consistently see in the dark?
  4. Ultrazen Augur

    I always make half elf bards, but then again, I like the look of them (old character models). I also hate humans lack of night vision, which (to me) is far more of a detriment than any positive you get from being one. I also hate all the human starting areas, once again, just me.

    As far as starting stats go, the only 2 that *actually* do anything, are str and sta. The ability to carry an extra 20 pounds actually does something. The difference any of the other stats make is either non existent, or so small as to register as non existent.

    Gear in classic is much the same way. I always get a real laugh out of people paying multiple krono for stuff that gives you like...10 AC and 15 hit points....yah....that's really going to put you over the top. Until stats start doing 50+ adjustment per, it's largely useless.

    TLDR: Do what you like the look of, it's 99.9% meaningless in both the long and short run. Cultural armor is "useful" for a brief period of time expansions wise, so if you have OCD and are min/max compulsive, there ya go. At the end of the day, none of this stuff will mitigate even one hit from a level 2 mob.
  5. Catashe Augur

    Unless they changed it... Worshipping Veeshan really REALLY didn't make you any friends in Kunark... especially in the outposts...
  6. Kellindell Journeyman

    Thanks for your feedback. I'll stick with wood elf and shave some off cha to raise starting str just so I can carry stuff.

    The real question now is choosing a deity or agnostic.
  7. Aelfwine New Member

    I have always gone Human Bristlebane worshiper with my bards. I was good with all the good races and with the DE mask I was good in most of Neriak and at the outpost in Kunark.
  8. Kellindell Journeyman

    Thanks. I heard bristlebane was a safe one. Is karana?

    The big thing I'm trying to figure out is what you miss out on when you go agnostic. I know you can't wear some gear. But I've heard people talk about deity specific quest series. I don't know how they work or what xpac they come out in.

    Are there npcs who turn you away for being agnostic?
  9. Kolani Augur

    Tunare has perks. I'm not sure if it applies to bards, but for rangers and druids, normally KoS unintelligent animals may not be.
  10. bober Lorekeeper

    Being agnostic as a human bard allows you to bank and vendor in OT as well as FV in Kunark. Not helpful now but it'll be real handy next expansion
  11. Agrippa Augur

    My Karana worshipping druids and rangers have no issues with most animals, Kolani. For animals, I'm pretty sure it's class related. Dieties do serve a roll in some factions, though.
  12. Itzmatt86 Elder

    Nah it wasnt bad. I remember easily getting into OT outpost with DE mask and no troubles in FV. As far as cabilis my live human veeshan bard walks in cabilis with no mask. I was still kos to minions of scale though.
  13. Kellindell Journeyman

    I forgot about that, the different con for animals.

    Anyone have links to any of the deity specific stuff? Namely the quest lines