Bard: No Kai's Demeanor?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Svann2, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. Svann2 The Magnificent

    This makes me sad. It wasnt a lot but it was something new. I did use it in beta raids.
  2. Szilent Augur

    when you say you "used it" -- what would you describe as its impact? like, are you claiming it actually did something on your beta raids? or do you just mean that its existence disrupted your event prep
  3. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I cant say it changed any outcome, but extra mana/end can only be a good thing.

    edit: The exact gain is an HME heal of about 50k hp, 8.5k mana, 1.5k end. Can crit for up to about 125k hp, 21k mana and 3.8k endurance. Times 2 pulses. I had to calculate the mana/end numbers because they dont show exact value in the chat, but I do know they were working - even for bards.
  4. Riou EQResource

    Svann2 likes this.
  5. FranktheBank Augur

  6. Brickhaus Augur

    Good thing you didn't put a year on that statement...
    FranktheBank likes this.
  7. Warpeace Augur

    Szilent and FranktheBank like this.
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

  9. Fintank Augur

    I certainly hope that isn't the reason why. The Ranger and BL ones would require more 0's to be worth worrying about. SPA 286 is always implemented extremely poorly. Somehow there is a disconnect where they think flat non scaling dmg being equal to 0.01% - 0.1% of a mob's health is perfectly adequate.
  10. Lodestar The Undefeated

    The Beastlord one is already entirely acceptable. It provides a perfect option (offensive) vs the pre-existing Warder's Alliance (defensive). Get it in.