Bard, nerf, nerf, and NERF!

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Sarah the gamer, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Sarah the gamer Elder

    What's the name of the orb clicky? I tried to find it on alla eq, but was unable to find it. I don't know what item you're talking about.

    Also, question: "What is considered fantastic xp"? For my level, being in the 80's while soloing, per hour in AA's what's considered fantastic xp? 20 AA's, 10 AA's?
  2. Felicite Augur

  3. Piestro Augur

    AA experience is completely relative, given that your earning potential is based partially on how many AA you already have (in terms of both efficiency and bonuses). Additionally bards are more of a skill class, and so rates will vary wildly from bard to bard even with identical AA loadouts.

    Rangers in their 80's don't solo in Feerrott; the Rangers you see doing this are level 95+.Rangers in their low 80's pretty much headshot farm PoF, with Dragonscale hills and the Lost Gnomes mission becoming viable towards the middle/end of the 80s. I'm terrible at headshotting; frankly I think it's boring and wasn't able to do better than maybe 20-30aa an hour. I didn't spend too long working on it, so that might have been the issue. I can beat that easily with a half decent group in the same level range with comparable AA.

    A level 95+ ranger can powerlevel much quicker than that; of course so can a level 95 of most classes. Rangers are wildly noted, but it's easy to powerlevel for more than 100 aa an hour with a mage for instance. I was able to hit similar rates swarming with my Cleric. Comparing rates of what any class in their 80's can do to someone being powerleveled isn't a particularly fair or useful comparison.
    Tegila likes this.
  4. silku Augur

    Try mezzing the mob out of your train that you want to charm, then running your train away, and coming back and charming the single mob before mez breaks. It takes a few more seconds, but it's definitely doable.
  5. Sarah the gamer Elder

  6. Sarah the gamer Elder

    I can get 15 AA's an hour charm kiting in Direwind. I mentioned rangers a few times, and I shouldn't have mentioned them... I am more upset about the changes to my class, that's all.
  7. Jazya Elder

    I agree the charm range nerf sucks, but IMO I've found Bard to be in the lower tier of enjoyable classes to solo. Grab any player, pop a couple mercs and go to town. I find EQ to be a lot more enjoyable and rewarding w/ my Bard when I'm pulling my face off, even if the group isn't great (Bard is usually the one who turns that around)
  8. jarsh92 Elder

    Im not sure. I think some items won't show up until you have completed at least 3 group missions. Then there is also the possiblity that it gets unlocked with raids. But it should show up under his vendor window if you get he right flags done.
  9. Felicite Augur

    Reading comments I found this:
    Q: "If you have no raid flags, but complete several of these missions, is there anything you can buy? I am interested in the pet focus items. I just box these days, and just don't have time to take part in any guild action anymore."

    A: "You can buy anything that sells for 21 beers or less if you have done all 3 of the group missions."
    So perhaps that is the issue.
  10. Sarah the gamer Elder

    Thanks, someone ingame explained the OMM missions to me. The whole concept is kind of fun. Is there any other events/quests like OMM's that I may be missing? Probably, haha!
  11. Sarah the gamer Elder

    We were number 1 in regards to soloing and now, lol. I haven't grouped with anyone yet, I've gotten in on some power leveling groups though. I may stop leveling and quest for my 2.0, I really want it.
  12. Jazya Elder

    I highly recommend doing some grouping. Bard is one of the most fun group classes IMO.
  13. Rhodz Augur

    Point needs to be made when a player returns after a long absence these changes are indeed new to them, merely pointing out the changes were made years ago makes no matter. Many of us loved the play style, the problems could have been resolved in better ways, SoE simply chose the easiest.

    The fact remains outside of Bard bots, from everything I have seen in the last month the class is becoming moot. People can make all kinds of claims about how great Bards are in groups but in low population games, which EQ now is, solo is import. *Coughs* necro *cough*

    Reality remains that in any MMO when people refuse to play a class there is a reason and more than likely the reason is valid.
  14. Layana New Member

    It actually works great, thats how I swarm kite
    silku likes this.
  15. Nylrem Augur

    To attempt to kind of answer one of your questions Sarah...
    About 3 years ago at 81, on lesson, killing the gators in Loping, with about 600-700AA, I was able to hit 22-25AA per lesson, so that should be about equivalent per hour, not on lesson with that low of AA. The AA xp gains for low AA toons I think have been tuned since then, for the greater, but I am not sure about that.
  16. Nylrem Augur

    Also, a sort of equivalent mission to OMM.. the Underfoot boomerang missions, that can net you some coin to buy decent items for the level range. You also need a minimum of 3 toons for that mission, like the OMM missions.
  17. code-zero Augur

    I'd say that the fact that there are a lot of boxed bards would indicate that the class isn't moot.
  18. Naugrin Augur


    At 81 I have wracked up over 2k aa on my bard reverse charming gators here. It varies with resists, how much I chat, my soon to be 5 year old daughter, etc.....but 20 aa per lesson is my norm.
  19. Penasi New Member

    Yes - an adjustment to the bard class occurred some time back. However, if you are primarily solo'ing with the bard - you are missing out. Bards shine when in groups. Solo - there are other classes that are better.

    If you want to solo primarily - I'd recommend lvl'ing up a class such as necro. But if you like playing your bard, please put some time into grouping. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised at how cool it feels to "run" a group. You'll be pulling, cc'ing and calling out strat and movement. I play a few classes - but none have the immersion and control that a bard offers.

    But if you want to solo and play your bard - just keep at it. It not the most efficiant class at solo'ing, but certainly doable. I haven't solo'd on my bard in years - I enjoy grouping with him too much. Some time spent honing your skill will yield results that you should be happy with. Keep at it. But I'd recommend tossing "lfg" up. You may like what you find.
  20. Darrkin Skies Elder

    I personally do not do "Charm kiting" not wasting my time running around in circles again I did that a long time ago AoE kiting till they changed it. But As for complaining about the range......There are many ways to lvl up at your current level and BTW Rangers Killing in Feerrott:
    1. it isn't kiting its Headshotting
    2. They can't properly headshot there till what level 91?
    a Full 10 levels from where you are atm and that doesn't mean that they don't also still die there doing that.