Bard moloing, Songchoice

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Troubardix, May 3, 2013.

  1. Troubardix New Member

    atm i am a 63 bard,with a tank merc and using folowing songs:
    1. Amplyfiy Singing
    2.Selfhaste (jonathan something) for me
    3. Grouphaste song / for me and merc
    4. Procsong, Something with Storm / for me and merc
    (its all about dmg maximising)

    I do 212er Procs, and nearly additional 100% haste on me
    my Merc does 75er procs and around 30% haste on him

    Atm i cant convince myself in using other Songs, but i cant believe that all those
    Dot Songs are for nothing. I found Dmg Songs always inconvinient in terms of accidently hitting myself and i cant start them without having a target choosen precombatly(does this word exists? :D).

    But i can imagin that well chosen dotsongs maybe do more dps then my actual choice.
    But i loose synergies with my haste/procsongs on my merc.

    Or maybe u say nothing of this is good do better that...

    if u say i do it all wrong pls teach me :D

  2. Dre. Altoholic

    Most recent Bard alt I was running (in addition to aura) Warsong of Zek, McVaxius Rousing Rondo and whichever 3 DoT's.
  3. teralas New Member

    You're 63, so you should use the overhaste aura (Aura of Insight, 55) or use Warsong of the Vah Shir (60) in your song lineup. Your lineup should then be: Warsong of Zek, Psalm of Veeshan, Song of the Storm, and either Largo's Assonant Binding or Warsong of the Vah Shir, depending if you're using the aura or not. If you have the aura then sing Largo's.
    You could also replace Largo's with a dot if you wish. or perhaps a regen song.
  4. Scur New Member

    The reason for the DoT songs is really for solo charm-kiting.

    You basically run around, charm a mob and make it attack 3-4 others. If you do it right, the adds will beat down your charmed pet to low hp (<10%), at which time you go invisible to break charm and then burn it down with your DoTs.

    Of course, this is a high risk way of playing. While I am not necessarily recommending this method of play-- as it will likely get you killed more than a few times-- if you get good at it you get some crazy XP without needing to share with (or pay for!) a merc.
  5. jarsh92 Elder

    I would assume but moloing meaning you are using the healer merc. I would drop self haste and use war song (group haste). The DS makes it better than the self haste.

    If your using tank merc, then switch your haste song for sure, because your not helping your tank out at all!
  6. Troubardix New Member

    Im using a Tank merc, because he heals himself suffiently and does my dps times 2, and the Healer merc slows down my killrate times 3 or worse compared to tank.

    Nevertheless i dont get why my Hastesong should not affect my Tank merc, i can assure u that the Buffanimation for the haste songs are visible on his hands so i have to believe it works for him, my Proc song works for him i can see it in the damage reports

    i updated my songs and see dots are nice but not for tank and spank.

  7. Bitmask New Member

    I just started a bard last night and skin spikes + pbaoe dot + healer merc was working very well for me. Will get to add spider's bite to the equation in another two levels, so I imagine it will be better to focus yellows/reds instead of massing blues. Will report.