Bard Double/Triple Attack Bug

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Jitar, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Jitar Elder

    Does anyone else have an issue where your double and triple attack will be maxxed when you camp for the night, but then when you come back the current skills are back down to 100 and you have to max them all over again? Thanks.
  2. Romance Augur

    Only time I ever experienced skill point loss was back in VoA when I was lvl 95, if I lost my level I'd lose the effect from the AA's that require lvl 95, IE allegretto of battle & vivace of conflict. Dropping my dbl and triple atk skills due to skill cap increase no longer being in effect.

    Other than this, I've not experienced this.
  3. Jitar Elder

    Ahh thanks. Guess I have to build up my cushion.