
Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Yonson, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Yonson Lorekeeper

    He's back and he's Bardder then ever!

    In fact this time he's four times as Bard!!!!

    Introducing Sonosurdus, Sonosurdus, Sonsurdus and Sonosurdus as the Barbershop Quartet of Crescent Reach!

    This is - by a clear margin - my worst episode to date! Also the most fun to make - Enjoy!

    Duder and jeskola like this.
  2. Duder Augur

    This is the best one yet. Are there plans for a Neil Diamond special? Keep up the entertainment!
  3. Yonson Lorekeeper

    Thank you so much!!!

    No plans for a Neil Diamond special currently but Episode 6 will be all songs requested by the audience so will definitely get one in for you there!!
    Duder likes this.