Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Tielovou, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Tielovou New Member

    My husband just got an e-mail saying his account was banned for complete BS!!. He hasn't even logged in, in at least a month, has never had a single problem in over a DECADE!!

    I haven't logged in for weeks either. The instructions say to appeal it, just submit a ticket... Oh that's easy to do, IF YOU'RE NOT BANNED!
    He can't log in to submit one & calling the number for help basically says "Sucks to be you!, Thanks for the money, goodbye!"

    Conveniently the suspension comes within an hour of ME requesting that the bank account (his card) be refunded the 6 months we paid on each account, for a service we're not getting. Just waiting on my email next.
  2. Mayfaire Augur

    That's why the bans happened.

    Or are you saying you asked for the refunds after the bans? Not sure after re-reading...
  3. Leex Pewpewer

    So due to the way you handled this situation they banned your account. It's automatically banned when you do a charge back.

    Feel free to reroll..
  4. Tielovou New Member

    Not a chargeback, I was asking DBGfor a refund of my unused time, cited every reason why, my last dates played etc.
  5. Tielovou New Member

  6. Tielovou New Member

    ^^ apparently it never saved my changes & now my time has expired to edit the sob.....
  7. Elricvonclief Augur

    If you did a chargeback, they will automatically ban your account.
  8. Roshen Brand Manager

    If you can't open a ticket because the account was banned, open the ticket from a different account (and if you don't have another account, go ahead and create one). Just make sure to mention the name of the account you're asking about in the ticket you open.

    As mentioned by other players, if you did issue a charge back it's our policy is to close those accounts.

    It's not our policy to ban accounts for contacting us to ask for refunds.
    complexication likes this.
  9. Tielovou New Member

  10. Tielovou New Member

    Again, as mentioned by me, there was no chargeback.

    I requested a refund for MY account.

    The ban occurred on HIS account.

    Hope that clears that up for good! :)

    Thank you Very much for the response, Roshen! btw, love the shark suit.
  11. Leex Pewpewer

  12. Slasher Augur

    Can I get a refund on my 15 years of playing EQ :) I want to be 14 again with all my hair on my head.
  13. Derd Augur

    Any chance your banned but not played ( by your husband) account would have charachters created on ragefire during this month of non activity? If so maybe blame whoever was boxing his account not dbg. I am still trying to understand what "service" dbg was not providing either of your account's that warrants a refund. The game was available except for normal patches and some ddos attacks for you to log in and play until this ban. Deciding you dont want to log in doesn't seem a refundable action.
  14. Crystilla Augur

    Is his account also using the same credit card? If so, that explains why his account got banned - they traced it back and banned any accounts using that card (well sort of, is your account actually banned? I haven't heard you say it unless I missed it).
  15. Eggolas Augur

    In the first post you state that you requested a refund on each account. Later, you write that you requested a refund for just your account. Curious as to this discrepancy.

    It also is not clear as to the process you followed. Did you request a refund from DBG alone or did you in some way involve your bank credit card in the process such as disputing the charges?

    Or did your request for a refund involve something more than a request, such as threatened action?

    Although I am responding to your post, I am opening this up a little more for general discussion. I agree with Roshen that simply asking for a refund and stating your reasons should not be the basis for a banning. If that is all that occurred, then I would expect the ban to be lifted even if the refund request is denied. However, it is not unusual for people to go beyond that step in frustration and that is where companies may react in ways we do not want.

    I'm scratching my head a little over this one. There is likely more to the story.
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I wonder if they might ban the acount so that they could process the refund from that date? Otherwise as they are processing things the account can still be used which would affect the refund amount. Just a thought.