Banking and Helm Question...

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Fuel, May 3, 2015.

  1. Fuel Journeyman

    Is your bank character only, or shared amongst all your characters?

    Also, is there a command to "hide" your helm?

  2. Borek-VS Augur

    Bank is character only, but you should have two shared slots that are shared between all characters on your account. You can use them to switch heirloom items between characters. I'm not quite sure if F2P accounts have access to shared bank, anyone know?

    Options->Display has a helm option. You still have to see the annoying thing in character select, but it can be invisible in game to everyone.
  3. Behee Augur

    You can also put boxes into the shared bank slots to give you more room. As long as the box is not no-trade (bound to a specific character) it can go into the shared bank slots.
  4. Fuel Journeyman

    Thanks Be and Bo, figured it out :)
