Banked Mercenary AAs lost

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Veltio, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. Veltio Journeyman

    Category: Other
    Date/Time: Sun Dec 10 20:39:57 2023

    Character: Level 121 Shadow Knight (Main)
    Zone: Guild Hall
    Location: 52.86, -1.23, 6.00, 264.00

    Target PC: Level 121 Shadow Knight
    Target Location: 57.35, -0.79, 6.00, 254.60

    Character: Arctan
    Server: Luclin

    Description: Prior to switching to an alternate persona (when first creating the persona, a level 1 Rogue), I had 60 mercenary AAs banked, which is the maximum I can have banked at 121, and all merc AAs purchased.. I leveled my Rogue up to 10 in Gloomingdeep. When switching back to my main persona I saw that I had 5 mercenary AAs banked, and had gained two more by claiming overseer task rewards.
  2. Veltio Journeyman

    I just dropped from 7 banked merc AAs to 5. I think it is happening when my Alternate Persona levels up. I bounced from 10 to 12 handing in bone chips in Field of Bone for Cabilis faction.