Bandolier: one key for swapping items ?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Reskal, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Reskal Elder

    As question says i have a bow in my range slot and now i found a globe with good stats on it. I would like to use the globe all the time in this slot, just for pulling mobs switch to the bow.
    Now i made 2 hotkeys for every item in the range slot but i wonder, is there a way just having one key space used up in the hotkey bar ?
    Maybe with /socials but i don't know how. Goal would be to to click the hotkey and items swap to the other, pressing again and it swaps back.
  2. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    Range/Pull hotkey:

    /bandolier activate Bow
    /autofire on, /pause 10
    /bandolier activate Orb

    This macro will equip your bow, shoot for 1 second, then switch back to the orb. I don't know of a way to use one hotkey to alternate bandoliers like you described.
  3. Reskal Elder

    works great, thank you
  4. Lighteningrod Augur

    I use the following:

    /bandolier activate Bow
    /pause 10,/autofire on
    /attack on
    /attack off
    /bandolier activate orb

    There's no /autofire off command. Toggle attack on and off because occasionally the game will think the range item has been thrown or fired. The range item will disappear from inventory until you zone, at which point it may pop on your cursor or go to parcels.

    It's rare, but annoying.
    Yther likes this.
  5. Reskal Elder

    Ok i better use this then, secure is secure :)