Bad apps

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tinytinker, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. Tinytinker Augur

    When you vote for someone's app, do you take into consideration what you know about the app from other sources when deciding whether they get into guild or not? Do you think it's fair or the app should only be judged on the character they're currently playing or what they are doing now in game? If someone apped your guild and they let drop about unethical things they were doing in real life and/or showed a horrible personality, outside of game (i.e. cyber bulling, treating people horribly), would it be okay to vote someone out? Should I recuse myself when this happens?
  2. Tibalt Lorekeeper

    When I vote on someone's app, I'm concerned about 2 things: Can the play their class well? And do the show up to raids? Other than that, IDGAF. If they are a scumbag of a person, but are good at their class/not licking windows , and will raid consistently, then whatever. I don't need to associate with them outside a raid.
  3. Astley Augur

    In the end... people's RL personalities always shine through in their in-game actions.

    If they're treating people poorly IRL, good chance they do it down the road in-game.

    But it depends on your guild's application process. If you're judging someone's application as more than just whether or not they know what buttons to push, and taking into effect how well they fit with the guild, you'll need to determine whether their potential for future issues is going to be a big enough problem.

    If you think you have a concern, frankly I'd address it with the Officers in your guild first.
    Nolrog likes this.
  4. Astley Augur

    But that said... C'mon... spill some details... don't name names, but give us some good gossip to discuss.
  5. Garten New Member

    A couple months ago I would agree you should judge an app on how they are on your server and not a previous history. After having some terrible apps recently I would change my stance and not bring people in with tainted pasts. With that said there will always be cases where someone is willing to bend the knee and kiss the Godfather's ring. Those would be a case by case basis
  6. Tinytinker Augur

    One of the people who has indicated they may app enjoys trolling people online and just saying nasty things in general. They will start making outrageous comments about sensitive issues, like homosexuality and religion to upset people. They also use degrading language to refer to women and trash talk autistic people ("a**pies). They are a good player, but I despise how what they do outside of game.
  7. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    No offense, but it sort of just seems like you are trying to stir up drama for your guild (assuming they know who you are on the forums). I would voice your concerns directly with your leadership and if they don't seem to care and this is a dealbreaker issue I would recommend searching for a new guild instead of trying to air out dirty laundry here.

    My personal opinion on the matter is that I will judge new apps based on my prior experiences with them personally, and generally ignore any secondhand reports unless they are extreme in nature.
  8. Auedar Elder

    Depends on the game, it depends on the guild, and it depends on if you want your guild to last long term. Since when I was raiding I was in the same guild through multiple games for 9+ years, you learn some . Keep in mind, raiding in Everquest with a large raid force is completely different than raiding in 20/40 man raids. So do take this with a grain of salt, since it's easier to ignore people if you have a larger group. With that being said, if you are having people in your guild ignoring other people in your guild, that leads to stupid drama in and of itself......and simply put, it's not worth it. As an officer or a raid leader, you play the game to have fun, not deal with other people's .

    Player "X" likes to stir up . If he's a only a to people he/she knows, that is perfectly fine. If he messes with people he doesn't know, people can get offended. This includes people within your guild. Now, certain people inside of the guild will sooner or later no longer want to group with said person. This can very easily lead to guild members not wanting to group with new members/people outside of who they know since it COULD be someone who they would not enjoy gaming with. Alternatively, this can lead to other people of a similar mindset to join the guild as well, and then you create "cliques" within a given guild, which almost always over time leads to splintering. In top end guilds, where toxicity like this is generally more accepted/expected, the only reason these players have to play together is to be #1. The second that position changes, these guilds have a tendency to splinter.

    Within a guild, have a given accepted play style, mind set, and be honest and upfront about it, and it's not worth it long term to have people outside of that said mindset. It takes too much time, and leads to officer/leadership/member burnout, as well as players who will most likely leave your guild one way or another over the long run.
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    How did you guys handle it when Xoner applied? My boy used to be a nice fellow...and now he's the king of salty, wuah TLP dbaggery! :(
  10. Xoner Baby Joesph Sayer

  11. Astley Augur

    Gawd, don't I know it.
  12. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You have my sympathy, sir.

  13. Hateseeker Augur

    How many years has it been since a player's reputation/treatment of the server's general population outside of raids, could present a meaningful impediment to finding home and harbor in the game?

    Maybe those things still matter on Live, I dunno.
  14. Tinytinker Augur

    Thank you for your feedback. I will ask leadership what they think. The reason I posted this thread was to get a second opinion and make sure I was being reasonable about bad behavior outside of game. I have a hard time evaluating people fairly when they do certain things I find abhorrent. I will try to be fair and open minded and consider everything.