Back again - options

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by aindriuc, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. aindriuc Elder

    Hi everyone,

    I'm back to Everquest again with the release of the new progression server. I tried leveling a cleric to level 5 on it, but burned out yesterday at the exp rate and anger /q in the middle of a group after a couple of hours on orc hill. I am either thinking of rolling a different class or trying out Agnarr or live again.

    What I ideally would like to do would be able to level up a character I like. I am thinking the new progression server might be the way forward for me. If I can stick to one character and just grind it out, I can work through the different expansions. However, I fear the next progression server will come along and deflate the current progression server I am playing on, which would defeat the purpose of the exercise, because there would be noone to level or group with then after the next one hits. So, my instinct on playing on the current progression server with the high exp rate is kind of like 'no don't do this'.

    Listen, I tried leveling on Phingel for a while after PoP unlocked and got to around 50 but the lack of groups was despairing then. I had to pay a ranger to power level me to 55 and that cost me loads of kronos. So, I don't want to try Phingel either because most people are high level already.

    Another option is leveling on Agnarr. There seems to be a community of people on Agnarr that aren't enticed by the current progression servers because they have their PoP server and it's not going anywhere. I could level a toon on this server and just be happy with the max level of 65 or whatever it finishes at. Perhaps, that is the way to go.

    Another option would be to roll again on FV on the live server. I would need a class that I can molo though from 1-110. After trying a couple of times with moloing, I tend to fizzle out at around 70ish. I tried a druid but crashed again and after I got advice on these forums to roll a druid, someone else then turned around said 'you can't molo a druid to 110'. So, I'm looking for a class that I can do this with. I also tried boxing with three but I hate boxing with a passion.

    Otherwise, I really love this game, but would like the option of being able to solo to at least to the groupable level on live, to really enjoy it.

    What are all the newbies out there doing like me? Are ye all burning out at around 70 like me? Has any newbie gotten a class to level 110? What class did you pick? Did you molo all the way? Is it even possible?

    What server are you currently playing on?

    Is the new progression server really worth playing on if it is just going to fizzle out when the next one releases?

    What are Lockjaw and Ragefire like? Are they populated even at the moment?

  2. slayerofbats Augur

    The grind sucks from 70+, there is not really any way around it unless you get someone to PL you or something. It seems the issue is not so much what you can molo all the way to 110, and more what can you do to get through the 70s without getting fed up. You could just buy a Heroic character and start at 85 but it wont really help you because 85+ is even more grindy, and getting to 70 is not bad, so it is a lot of money to basically only save you 15 levels, yet you still have a lot more to do and they are as slow as ever.

    The devs are absolutely hopeless. They created 2 very distinct sets of players. The ones who are already high level so can play with everyone else, and level with them when the level cap rises. And the other set of players are the lower level ones, who may never even get to high levels because it is so boring and tedious and long. They did nothing to improve this situation. All the live servers will be the same. FV is a bit faster, but you are still going to have to do some serious grind to get to the late game.

    Progression servers have the advantage of letting you play with other people which I think might be best for you. But the live servers have the advantage of a faster route from 70+. Still a total grind... but at least you can have a strong merc, xp pots, a huge selection of HA's, and some OP gear you might be able to pick up from the bazaar.

    If you go with a progression server, don't worry about people bailing because they will always have enough people to play with so don't worry. But you have to find a class you enjoy and preferably need to find people to play with you enjoy. No good feeling burned out at level 5 on orc hill! If you feel like that at 5, how are you going to do 105 more levels?!

    As for what class, just take something you enjoy to play. The later expansions make anything possible, so whether you wait for them to unlock or just play a live server, the mercs and things the game has no means anything can work. Anything will get to 110 if you can stay motivated. It is just a grind. No class has it easy, although some will be a lot easier than others. But if you are a class you enjoy playing, that is the main thing. Personally I would suggest boxing 2 characters, and have the second one be something you just use for buffs or travel, and you don't actually play it. Something like a Druid or Cleric or whatever, it can follow you around and you don't have to actually do anything with it apart from buff yourself once per hour. Focus on your main character. But at least this way, you will have 2 mercs, and you should have an easy journey like that. You and 2 mercs should stomp to 70s and then spend some time to get decent gear and also start on HA's which are boring but good xp and you can get your mercs some gear which helps them. Pick whichever mercs work best with your class. You could even do it with just you and your 1 merc. But at least having that 2nd character follow you around, you get the buffs/evac/whatever they have, and you get the second merc which will really help out.
    Daenur likes this.
  3. Yruc Augur

    slayerofbats makes a great point. It's grindy and boring after 70. You can try and find a guild in the looking for a guild section on one of the more populated servers that will help new and returning players and find some people that way who may help you level from 70+ but most live servers going to be 100+ really before you can find a group regularly

    Agnarr hasn't hit it's last expansion yet. It will unlock pop in 4 weeks and hit LDON in October, when that happens, no one knows what will become of Agnarr.

    I think Agnarr has a shelf life and sometime around the end of the year the population will start to decline. How far, not sure. But once your guild has farmed Plane of Time and stuff starts to rott, how many want will want to do it again for alts?

    Coirnav - as you and others have noticed the xp there is pretty bad even with the bonus and will get worse once the bonus xp is over. I've been on the server and it doesn't feel as crowded as Agnarr was at launch.

    I'm pretty sure there will be a 20th Anniversary TLP Server and it will probably have the FV loot rules that people were clamoring for, for Coirnav. - But on DB knows for sure.

    I am playing on Agnarr and will prob stay there till next year and then jump over to the next TLP server.
  4. IblisTheMage Augur

    From my perspective, on Live, there is another way to playing high level.

    Playing a character to lvl 10 takes a couple of hours. From that, I would sugest that you Heroic, and play a strong solo class, on a highly populated server, with Family style guilds. Find your server and guild beforehand, and apply and get pre-approved, before you select server.

    Being 85, in a fast killing group in FM, will level you really fast. I started a toon maybe week, and on the first night, I got it to lvl 90 (anniversary bonus + Lesson). I am a boxer, which skewers the picture; I played a couple of more nights, and the toon is 97 now. I am not saying that you can achieve this speed, bit just saying that there is an opportunity, if you are willing to go to FM and try your luck to get a group with a guildie boxing there.

    Make sure you get Autogrant, only put xp to level until you are at least 105, and have the latest expansion.

    Everquest on Live is a long term commitment game IMO, where getting to lvl 105 is a relatively modest problem :).
    Quatr likes this.
  5. slayerofbats Augur

    FM still has fast killing groups at level 85? I played a few other live servers and there are a total of 0 players under level 100.

    Also anniversary bonus + lesson basically ruins your whole post.
  6. IblisTheMage Augur

    The group I used to level my new toon was my box group, not sure if I accidentally did not make that clear.

    On AB there are typically several groups in FM, likely to be predominantly boxers, but also others.

    Edit: now I get it. Zero groups under 100 here as well. But an 85 can group with 105 taking very little xp from others, and filling the group gives bonus xp.

    Why do you think lesson + anniversary ruins my post? They do stack, I am 98% sure...?
  7. Aurastrider Augur

    I followed Iblis logic and I agree. If you want to make it to end game on live in a reasonable amount of time his steps will help speed up the process.

    1. Find a server with a guild willing to take you under their wing and help you level.
    2. HC a character so you are ready to grind with said guild ASAP instead of trying to grind out the first 80 levels yourself.
    3. His comment about the anniversary experience is relevant within the time frame of this post considering right now bonus xp is running which would place a heavy emphasis on starting this process right now rather than waiting.

    I do question the OPs overall commitment though. Server hopping and doing /q during group play (doing /q on a group is kind of disrespectful unless you let them know in advance btw) show a pattern of uncertainty and overall I question if the design of a game like EQ will ever provide you with any sense of satisfaction. That's not to say you don't enjoy the content or the game but the design of the game is rather unforgiving.

    My advise is find a class you enjoy, show some patience with the constraints of leveling, and don't have unrealistic expectations. If you are already giving up on a new server where groups should be plentiful due to being worried about its future you are going to have these same feelings with every new server that spins up and repeat this process over and over again until you ultimately give up.
    Quatr likes this.
  8. slayerofbats Augur

    You are just spouting propaganda and it is pointless. You say it is easy to level, but that was only true for (at least) 3 reasons that are not available to millions of other potential customers including the OP.

    He specifically said, "I hate boxing with a passion." So having a boxing group is never going to happen. You also used the anniversary boost which ends in a few days. And you used the lesson XP boost which is a massive advantage, but only available to people who have paid for a whole year of EQ subscription, which very few people have, and no new people are going to do that, especially after struggling to find their place in the game.

    You are lying to people to pretend that everything is fine and easy, while at the same time, dismissing everything other people are saying.

    Yeah he should just quit right? And you told me I should quit too. And you wonder why the game has a tiny population. How do you not see how ridiculous what you are doing is. You are like thousands of other people on this forum and every game forum on the internet. It is sad to see, not just stupid illogical behavior but also people who don't think for themselves. I remember it being especially bad with Vanguard. People made posts about things they didn't like with the game, and predictably the fanboy army showed up, foaming at the mouth and piling on the person to tell them why they are wrong and clueless and often would just directly say " off back to WoW". They were doing this during the early beta when the game still had a chance, then during the open beta when it was pretty clear how much trouble the game was in, and they were still doing years after release. They were even doing it in the game's last few months.

    You can't stand the negativity, but is that because you think it will scare away potential customers? Do you not notice it is coming FROM a potential customer? Do you think it somehow is an assault on your own choice of picking this game, and that's hurtful to you? Do you think they are just wrong and you need to police the forums against these kinds of unjust attacks so you can jump in to defend the helpless game? I know you try to veil it as helping, but clearly you are fighting against something, I have always been curious what you think that is.

    The way I see it, all you do is harm your own game. You stifle feedback by downplaying what others say, you try to discredit what they are saying, and bandwagoning with other fans against any negativity. It makes it easier for the devs to dismiss the feedback because why spend time to improve something if the fans are dismissive of it to begin with? Why improve anything? Just pump out expansions to the loyal fans and everything will be fine.

    I actually said this to someone on the Vanguard forums, just months before it shut down forever. I said to them, "You are dismissing feedback from a player, bandwagoning together to rage against what they are saying, when deep down you know these problems shouldn't be happening. You think you are defending your precious game, yet all you are doing is harming it by stopping people from speaking up about the problems. Remember this, when your game shuts down forever."

    Sadly that happened sooner than I expected. I say the same thing to you now.
  9. Aurastrider Augur

    To address you response to Isbis vet rewards are based on account age and not sub status. The OP states they are back again so assuming their account is at least a year old and they have not used all their vet rewards on other characters the LOD statement is relevant. You are taking the context of everything he says and negating it based on the fact that he boxed to achieve this. He gave great advise about trying to find a guild that is willing to help PL him from 85+. He showed how in a PL setting someone can level fast but its still on the OP to try and find a guild willing to do this.

    As far as me telling the OP he should quit that is not something I said. I asked him to evaluate if EQ is a good fit for him based on the nature of the game and him moving from server to server and doing a /q during group play because the grind was just to much. You on the other hand are bitter and rarely have anything positive to add to anything. You use your own personal experience and emotions and reflect them on everyone as if they hold true for the entire game. I am not ignorant to the fact that things could be better. As I have stated this game lacks good in game grouping mechanics or tools which I do believe are vital to the success of this game for the future or at least for the live servers.

    As far as the rest of your comments you have so much anger within the context of your words that I don't think there is any way of actually having a rational conversation with you. You are placing emotions before logic which rarely leads to constructive outcomes in a conversation.
    Quatr and IblisTheMage like this.
  10. crash n'burn Journeyman

    Since you're unsure of a class I would suggest picking characters you have an interest in. Once you have that create those characters then 1 by 1 copy to test server. Test buff them and try them out till you find one you really like.Test buff gets them lvl 25? i believe and appropriate gear. At that lvl you will get that classes basic tool set.

    You also said you hate boxxing and are looking to malo. IMO good classes for that would be Necro,Mage,Enchanter,SK....there are prolly others but these are the ones I play GL ;)
  11. ntellect Augur

    Its more a question of what you enjoy about Everquest. Understanding that the fundamentals of the game is grinding, and assuming that is an aspect you enjoy, you can play the game from 1-110 moloing using a character you are looking forward to play. But also realize that solo is easier for some classes better than others.

    FV has an experience bonus and leveling two characters to the 90s mostly molo I can tell you its not an impossibility, incredibly boring, or completely lonely.

    Remember this is not ever level but ever QUEST ... so as long as you can enjoy the adventure of playing, getting to max level will only be as difficult as your patience allows.

    Hope to see you in Norath. I'm Xerro, Shadown Knight on FV.
  12. IblisTheMage Augur

    Oh my.

    Are you OK?
    Quatr likes this.
  13. slayerofbats Augur

    Are you? Coming in a thread to tell people they are wrong and that levelling really is easy, yet not admitting to boxing a whole group, with anniversary exp, and the lesson. That's sad...
  14. slayerofbats Augur

    I am not taking anything out of context, he says levelling is easy but only says it because he has 2 exp boosts (probably buys potions too), and also boxes a whole group. The OP says he can't box, and wont have either of those exp boosts. The anniversary boost ends in a few days, and the lesson needs an active account for a year, not a year old account. Either that or you subscribe for a year. OP wont have that, and nor will most new comers in the same situation.

    His advice is terrible, he is lying, and like you he pretends the game is full of charitable saints just waiting to power level someone when that is also a lie. And you could get to 85 by just buying heroic, it wont help. You would still have 20 more levels to go by yourself and it is the slowest grind ever.

    You aren't fooling anyone.

    What have I said that is not true?

    You don't get to talk about logic when you blame the players for the game being empty, and your solution to getting levels is to find a high level player and farm items for them and get them to pay in power levels.
  15. Aurastrider Augur

    This is untrue. Vet rewards are based on the age of the account and have zero to do with account status. I have multiple ftp accounts that have never been all access ever. They are all several years old and they all have available vet rewards on them.

    People who are truly new to the game wont have vet rewards but most returning players who still have their account info most certainly will have some built up so LOD is relevant for returning players to take advantage of.
    Quatr likes this.
  16. slayerofbats Augur

    It depends. If you played EQ long ago and came back and can get in the same account, you will likely get the lesson. But new players wont get it, returning players with new accounts wont get, and even returning players from other SOE games wont get it. I have accounts I made in 2004 and played other SOE games and they don't have veteran status and don't have Silver either.

    The point is, he talks about how levelling is no problem in this game and that he got to level 97 in 3 nights, but that was buying a heroic toon, using lesson, using once a year anniversary bonus, boxing a whole group, and doing it on FV which has OP gear and faster exp. That alone makes his post pretty deceitful. But he also has a subscription which made it even faster, auto grant making it even easier, and probably lots of cash and gear to twink too and no doubt xp pots galore. Yeah levelling is no big deal.... I could just pay someone to PL me to 110. End thread! Lulul
  17. IblisTheMage Augur

    Slayer of Bats, I am sorry that you feel that way. I hope the best for you. I think you and I differ on the meaning of words like lie and deceit. For me, those words means an intention to make someone else believe something you do not believe yourself. They are historically also extremely insulting in most cultures, leading to conflicts of all sorts.

    I am left believing that your ease with the use of these words either means that you come from a culture that takes these words lightly, or that you have a predisposition of assigning evil intentions to other people. If you get this invested about a total strangers post in the newbie forum, then you have a lot of emotion and negative energy to go around. Based on this, I have the impression of you that you are seeking conflict. I am not.

    I am sure there are perfectly valid reasons for you to take this approach.

    When I came back, I made high level friends, and played Gribble with them. I think positive attitude towards other people, adherence to cultural norms, and basic politeness are catalysts for those kind of new relations. Especially if combined with the will to do your best with what you have, and a will to be positive towards people.

    Stay safe.
    Quatr and Aurastrider like this.
  18. aindriuc Elder

    hey guys, thanks for the tips.

    I was thinking of powerleveling my character? It seems to be the only option if I want to play this game.

    Aurastrider said he threw a few krono for a powerlevel of his ranger back in the day.

    Question is -- what initial class should I powerlevel and how many kronos does a powerlevel go for?

    Also, who would I ask to powerlevel and is it ''legal'' to trade some krono in game to get someone to do that for you. Is it against the rules or .... ?

  19. moogs Augur

    Doing my best to avoid whatever that was that I scrolled through above...

    If this is your first experience with EQ, there are some real drawbacks to powerleveling that you should be aware of. When you powerlevel without already having a solid understanding of the game, you'll end up with a high level do what with?

    1. Your skills will be way underleveled. Casting skills are a pain to raise without automated macros (This is technically against the rules and I won't advise anyone to do this, but you gain no advantage over other players and it's kind of the devs' fault for not addressing this issue). Defense and offensive skills are also a pain and the best way is to fight AFK in a /duel or in an arena zone. We're talking hours of tedious and unexciting nonsense just to be able to play a character.

    2. Even if you do a ton of research outside of the game, it's not nearly the same as playing regularly and learning your class. Everyone learns differently and has a different capacity and pace, and each class has unique styles of gameplay. EQ has very deep mechanics and I am still learning new things after 15+ years. That's not to say that the learning curve is insurmountable. It just takes some dedication and the willingness to put the time in to learn.

    3. You'll miss out on forming relationships with people that you have grouped with over time. Yes, there are other people playing on your server and leveling up, even if they may appear to be invisible. You'll be missing out on learning your way around numerous zones, earning some platinum, and feeling your character grow. Try not to take it lightly.

    EQ is like a fine wine. (Maybe some of us would question the fine part.) If you gulp it down in one go, you'll be left feeling underwhelmed.
    Quatr likes this.
  20. moogs Augur

    Choose one that you would like to play at a high level. If you are on the fence, you could ask your guild what they really need. Just make sure that it's something you will actually play.

    You could start by asking in your guild. There's General chat, but be careful without solid referrals. There are RMT websites out there but we're not going to mention them here.

    Contrary to popular belief, unicorns do exist. I'm one of the people that actually enjoys powerleveling others and I never charge payment. Trading items or platinum or whatever arrangement for an in-game service from another player is expected and is not against any rules. It's their time versus your compensation offer...nothing wrong with that. Tangent here, but I remember one friend that admitted to trading sexual favors for EQ subscription money on a regular basis. (No, I did not have any involvement.) Addictions are real, so be careful not to go overboard with EQ. It can drain your bank account in no time at all if you spend more money than time.

    Do *not* under any circumstance give anyone your login credentials.
    Quatr and Gana like this.