Auto Consent not granting consent

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Whoops, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Whoops Augur

    One of the first things I do when I make new characters (and which I pester IRL friends to do when I'm going to group with them) is tick the boxes in Options for Auto Consent Group, Raid, and Guild.

    I was grouped with a friend who was playing four characters, while playing two of my own. We were in a pickzone fighting very very red mobs, which was going well until it very rapidly was not. During our last pull, the message popped up that the pick was closing in 15 minutes. We wiped. My cleric was bound outside. I ran back in (to the base zone), did /corpsedrag on the cleric's corpse, and tried to /corpsedrag one of my friend's characters. It told me "You don't not have consent to summon that corpse." I tried his three other characters' corpses, which gave the same message. Asked him aloud about consent, and he said he had done. I thought perhaps he'd ticked the boxes in Options after the fact, because it still didn't give me consent. I tried to /corpsedrag my other character's corpse, who I knew had long since auto consented group, and found I didn't have consent for her, either. I tried /corpse instead of /corpsedrag, but had the same result.

    When my friend returned from AFK (and when my other character logged back in after crashing while zoning to bind), we typed /consent Cleric'sName for each dead character, which finally did let my cleric drag them.

    We had, we thought, automatically consented each other before dying, and we were grouped when the corpses were created. Am I misremembering auto consent group/raid/guild giving consent without needing to explicitly grant it to a particular character each time? Is it something odd about the corpses being created in a pick, but trying to drag them in the base zone?
  2. Sycloniss Journeyman

    I am having the same issue. All my toons that I checked auto consent guild, group, raid in the past are working. The new toons I have made where there is no longer and option to check are not giving consent to group, raid, guild on death. Driving me nuts...
  3. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Are you sure its not already set to do so? Since they removed the boxes to check to enable this in a patch back in January there is no need to use the boxes.

    Removed the auto consent options from the Options Window and turned them on by default. These options can still be disabled from within your character's INI file in the Defaults section with the property AutoConsentGroup, AutoConsentRaid, or AutoConsentGuild set to either 1 or 0.

    Or you can turn them on still by doing /consent whatever
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

    Are you using a custom UI? Default UI no longer has those buttons, perhaps they are messing up the new unmanaged, default settings.