Audio Triggers

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Helen, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Helen New Member

    I need help with audio triggers. I type the patterns in, set the trigger and save. The trigger will work that day but next week when we raid the same target again the trigger no longer works although it is the same. This has been going on for quite some time. I recently had a trigger that I have been using since triggers first came out quit working.

    What is causing this issue?
  2. Tobynn Augur

    Most likely trailing spaces. The text pattern you entered might look the same, but if you place your cursor in the Pattern box as if you are attempting to change it, you will likely find a bunch of blank spaces have been mysteriously added to the end. Backspace to remove the extra spaces, but they will probably reappear again, and again, and again.

    The file is likely corrupt.
    You can delete the file named AT_default_yourname_yourserver.ini, which can be found inside EQ's userdata folder. Restart EQ so it builds a new, empty file. Course, now you will be re-making all your triggers from scratch, so might want to print that file for reference before you delete it, particularly if you have a bunch of triggers.

    You can alternatively attempt to edit that text file manually. If your problem is indeed all the extra trailing spaces, then you can can remove all those spaces from the patterns and save the file. Head up though, you cannot use a carriage return (Enter key) when manually editing that file. A carriage return will cause those same bizarre extra trailing spaces to appear in the patterns. Need to use arrow keys to create new lines.

    If your problem doesn't involve extra trailing spaces, then disregard above entirely :)
    Yther likes this.
  3. Yther Augur

    If, and most likely it is, as Tobynn described. Editing out of game is often the best solution. Editing them in-game seems repeat the problem. You can try it in-game as sometimes it is just a rare thing, but more likely than not it'll happen over and over again each in-game edit.

    I still use the in-game editor, but /camp out afterward and double-check the file out of game to be sure it didn't add some when I exited and it resaved it.

    Yther Ore.
  4. Helen New Member

    Thank you, when I copy the triggers to word processor, must I remove all the line numbers in the file?
  5. Yther Augur

    Pattern0=Ture roars
    Pattern1=Ture calms
    Pattern2=You feel a gaze of deadly power focusing on you
    Pattern3=You feel the cold grip of death looming over you
    Pattern4=body shrivels
    Pattern5=You feel the cold grip of death looming over you
    This is an example of a custom AT file for anguish raids. It doesn't cover everything but gives the critical ones, and the body shrivels for Rangers to Nature's Entropy line OMM in case someone missed the mask or the tank is tough enough to just endure it and it's ignored. Sometimes there's a PatternCount=5 that you can delete if it doesn't match, or move it to the end of the file and make sure the number matches.

    Most of the time, all you have to do is go to each Pattern# line and hit the End key on the keyboard to see if there's an extra space at the end. Here's an example with such spaces:
    Pattern0=tells you
    Pattern1=scowls at you 
    If the forum editor didn't automatically remove them, there's 3 or 4 extra spaces at the end of Pattern1, which will make it not work.
    EDIT: It didn't remove them, and on here or in a text editor (like Wordpad or Notepad) you can use Alt+A to select everything and it makes the extra spaces clearly visible.

    Yther Ore.
  6. Yther Augur

    It did remove all but 1, but even the 1 will mess it up, as in-game it's scowls at you, ready to attack, so the comma will make it not work.
  7. Helen New Member

    Thank you very much. For now the problem has been solved thanks to both of you.
  8. Angahran Augur

    This bug has been around for years. It can also happen to socials, randomly adding trailing spaces.
    Would be nice if it could be traced down and finally fixed.
  9. Smallpox Augur

    Do yourself a favor and get away from EQ's internal Audio Triggers. Instead, use:

    It is the do-all, end-all of trigger programs:

    Multiple characters

    A single instance of GINA can monitor as many characters as you wish. To distinguish between characters when a trigger is raised, each character can have their own voice defined (for text to speech) and the trigger can include the name of the character who received the trigger (for displayed text and text to speech).

    Trigger Organization

    Every expansion comes with a new set of audio triggers that need to be made, and with EverQuest's longevity that is a lot of triggers. GINA organizes triggers into trigger groups to make finding and sharing specific triggers easier. Also, the name you give the trigger is displayed instead of the trigger text, enabling you to easily see what you have set up. By default, triggers groups are automatically enabled for all characters, but you can enable and disable them for each character if needed.

    Mulitple Sharing Options

    Whether you want to be able to use GimaLink to share all of an event's triggers with a full raid or group of players at once with a single chat, save a package file that you can share with friends, or import/export triggers from and to EverQuest's in-game audio triggers or GamTextTriggers, GINA has you covered.

    Gimagukk's Library

    There isn’t a lot in there yet, but I will continue to add more shared packages that anyone can browse and download on the fly. If you’re getting ready to attempt a new raid for the first time and don’t have audio triggers set up, download them from the Library and you’re off to the races.

    Trigger Match Log

    Which of your 800 triggers keeps firing off that annoying "RUN AWAY!" sound byte when you're just strolling through Plane of Knowledge? GINA shows you which triggers were used so that you can disable or adjust any that are going off when they shouldn't be.

    Multiple Text Overlays

    [IMG] [IMG]
    Different groups of triggers can be sent to different overlay windows. If you want your critical raid messages to show up in big yellow letters on your main monitor and buffs messages to show up on another, knock yourself out. Overlays can also be globally disabled for full-screen users.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Fenudir like this.
  10. Corydon Augur

    I've been using GINA for ages (on p99) and this program is just plain awesome. Will start using it on live, too, now that I'm back after 13 years :)