Ask the Invaders (TBM) Test

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by xxGriff, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. xxGriff Augur

    Ask the Invaders (TBM) 2nd step, updates with each kill and Gruesome Trophies do not drop, task updates to turn in 10 Gruesome trophies to Ilsa Granger, but no trophies dropped or were looted. have dropped task and re attempted x3 and same result. cleared Puslings and dreadmages each time. seems every kill is crediting for looted drops yet no Gruesome Trophies drop.
    on 2nd step; Kill denizens of the Crypt and gather trophies to prove you are trustworthy. 0/10 (Ruins of Lxanvom)