As a returning player...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pistols4Pandas, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    Gearing 3 characters...

    EOK T2 for every visible slot.

    RoS T1 for every visible slot.

    RoS T2 for every visible slot.

    Completely random drop tables for visible slots... So you can't even camp a certain mob for specific slots you need.

    Do the Math on that. It would be excruciating with just 1 character.

    I'm convinced it was intentionally designed this way so people would just throw their hands in the air, buy some Kronos, and sell them to buy conflagrant, which is barely below RoS T2, & requires 0 work, stinks of 'Pay to Win' revenue system for DBG,

    All the best augs, also purchaseable. Makes my hard earned older augs, with many many hours camped, look like garbage.

    Really losing that 'work for your hard-fought advantage' feeling eq always had, and I haven't even been back a month.

    Is it worth it to ruin a 20 year old experience to squeeze a couple extra pennies out of people this fiscal year? Serious question.

    EQ could go on and provide solid revenue for another decade... Or you can ruin the experience and kill it in 2-3 because someone decided they could make 6% more revenue in 2018.

    The only new players are returning players, there are no new players. Don't ruin the experience they keep returning for, to make the game pay to win, people love to work hard for things in eq, they LIKE that it's hard, but making some of the best gear purchaseable while only slightly better gear require 3 tiers of farming is stupid and demotivating. If you want to make it hard, good, make it hard, but don't offer no-work options to buy gear that is nearly as good as gear which takes 2 expansions of progression and 3 tiers of armor to achieve, that's just stupid.

    I'm tempted to just buy conflagrant, I banked a lot of kronos before leaving, but... If I buy it, I'll honestly have nothing to aspire to / work for at that point. And I would probably not care to play at that point.

    The work/reward metric is all messed up. Bad design. Someone made a big mistake, and it is going to drive returning players away.
    eqgamer likes this.
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Confused.... how are Kronos involved in any of this? I've got two pieces of conflagrant, and they cost me about 5Kpp each for vendor bought mats. Anyone who's 105+ ought to have this much plat hanging around.

    Not to mention, these are the first pieces of current-expac gear I've had in ages, and I think it's pretty awesome. Yes, if you want every last HP/AC out of each slot, you'll get T2, but for most players, this is good enough. And it makes good use of the tradeskills I've developed over the last 17 years :)

    And if you're that worried about getting every last HP/AC/etc out of every slot, then you've surely done the Artisan's Prize, right? Best aug in the game. And if you do have the TS skills, then these crafted pieces are no big deal to make, and are not very expensive.
  3. IblisTheMage Augur

    Stop complaining and go play the game. It is not about having it all, it is about getting there.