Arx Mentis needing a reason to go

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Drakang, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Drakang Augur

    The XP is not better than Dredge. No Powersources drop. Once you have the augs no reason to hunt in the zone.

    Respawn time and number of charming mobs make it even harder.

    Please consider bumping the XP a bit. But most importantly.

    Please make the named have a chance to drop any classes powersource. That in itself would encourage grouping there since all classes would have something to benefit them instead of having to hunt one zone at a time.
  2. FixShamanPlease Elder

    How do you know ultra rare items chance to drop is not higher there?
  3. Coronay Augur

    I really like the static arx mentis. It's tough and keeps you on your feet. I think it would be really cool if any named could drop any class PS.
  4. shik Elder

    I always thought the spawn time was kind of a perk to the zone.
    Mintalie, Brohg and RPoo like this.
  5. Andronicus Elder

    I think it's time they opened up the expansion instead of keeping it locked by progression.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Ghubuk Augur

    They haven't even done that with the previous expansion have they?
  7. Drakang Augur

    No reason to unlock it. Although I hope they don't ever do the need to complete all progression to get raids thing again.

    I like the zone. Just needs something extra and a chance at any powersource would do that.
    Sancus likes this.
  8. Leex Pewpewer

    Have you completed the hunter there?
    Kiillz likes this.
  9. Coronay Augur

    Hunter is a reason to go there, but not a really a reason to go back there.
  10. Leex Pewpewer

    Well that just depends on how lucky you are and how much time you have to spend there, but yeah after that's done there is really no need.

    You could say the EXP is better per camp there because a camp will respawn quicker there then in any zone...But kill to kill the exp is the same.
  11. Brohg Augur

    I think it'd be appropriate for Arx to get the power sources. Like 8% each, total of 32 which would be a touch better than the other zones but random which you get?
  12. Repthor Augur

    for a chain pulling group exp is better in arx mentis, mobs have less hp, respawns faster, and has same exp or close to as combind dredge. now if u cant take advantage of the fast respawn cuz your dps is a bit lower then yes the exp isent better, but thats just a nod at better composed groups and or better players
  13. Naugrin Augur

    Travel there after the fade nerfs will be even more of a pita, so go there to enjoy it while you can hehehehe.
    Perplexed likes this.
  14. Repthor Augur

    ooh nos haveing to look both ways b4 you cross the road, how terrible. players has become way to lazy sense everybody and this mother got fade
    Kiillz likes this.
  15. Lianeb Augur

    What with the 0 mobs in TT on the way to the boat that see invis. Or the 0 mobs in BI that will aggro you on the way to the Zone line to Dredge, or is it the random see invis (1) in Dredge on the way to the Arx port in.

    Without fade I might not make it. Whoah is me!!!
  16. Voxynn Elder

    Arx xp is higher per kill

    Arx respawns are 3x faster per kill

    If you do not think Arx has higher xp gains then Dredge .. Your doing it wrong.

    And the whole Charming / mezzing mobs = Thats easily self breakable if you know what your doing. Arx is not as hard as Pre Nerf Degmar .. (not by a long shot)

    I'd personally say Thulisaur is a harder zone now, then Arx Mentis
  17. Silv Augur

    Purity augs should have been in Arx. It would have given a good reason to flag, actually keep utilizing the zone, and probably would have killed off a lot, not all, bot farmers in BI.

    Power sources would have been a nice touch as well.
  18. Naugrin Augur

    I was speaking of travel IN arx, not travel TO arx.
  19. Brohg Augur

    everyone's fades will still work on brooms
  20. Naugrin Augur

    My post was just a light hearted comment poking fun at the incoming nerf. I really shouldn't have to spell this out but here'goes...

    When you catch agro from a si broom you will run to try to put some distance between you and said broom b4 fading so that it doesn't reagro. In my mostly solo work in arx for merc tasks, quite often I would fade quite close to non si mobs. If I were to try that post nerf, I will not be invised and will get smashed. Maybe I will evac in time, maybe not. Maybe my merc will buy my life with hers, maybe not.

    This doesn't seem so much "harder" to me as it does tedious.

    One thing for sure, travel inside of arx will become riskier for most classes. I'm just happy I've finished up in there already
    Mayfaire likes this.