Fixed Internally Arcane Whisper not working on TLP

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by McJumps, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    The first rank of Arcane Whisper does not seem to lower aggro by any amount according to the aggro meter on TLP during TSS. When compared to Mind Crash III which lowers aggro by 7500 points, Arcane Whisper I which is supposed to lower aggro by 20000 points and then by 4% of total aggro does not seem to be doing anything at all.

    I know there was a change to this ability in 2019 to prevent an exploit at higher levels/ranks of the ability and I believe that change has had an effect on the lower ranks of the ability. I have tested this multiple times both while having more than 100% aggro and when trying to lower aggro % during an encounter to prevent pulling aggro from the tank.

    Please look into this.
    Barton, Mithra, menown and 11 others like this.
  2. Kardouche New Member

    Agreed, a broken toolkit is a frustration and affects the intended class balance
  3. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    After doing some more testing, I am not even getting any message anywhere in game that shows this ability was even used, other than the ability going on cooldown. The text upon use should read "You whisper an ancient incantation." But I am failing to even see that upon use.

    Please take a look at this spell as it is very useful for high aggro casters.
  4. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Still not working during SoF on Aradune.
  5. kizant Augur

    Yeah this does seem broken. The hate override doesn't reduce your agro. It prob just makes it so the spell itself doesn't add any. And 4% doesn't do enough to be useful.

    They should just copy Mind Crash from the same time period and make it like 1/3 as strong or something. Going back to the original would cause problems and it was always really weak in the first place.
  6. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    According to the numbers on Aradune during SoF, Arcane Whisper should be a much bigger hate decrease than Mind Crash, a little more than double (14000 vs 30000). Not to mention during this era, Mind Crash is a 36m reuse whereas Arcane Whisper is only 20m, and able to be used by all cloth casters, where mind crash is Wizard only.

    I am unclear on what problems this ability was causing on live as I have not played on a live server since TDS, and even then, I was playing a Rogue.

    If any additional information is needed to make the QA process smoother, please let me know and I will attempt to provide it.

    Thank you!
  7. kizant Augur

    I only suggested Mind Crash because I know it works and has a similar goal in reducing hate all in one cast. Originally whisper reduced hate over time but it had an exploit so it was turned into what it does now which for whatever reason doesn't work. I was just guessing that the 30k was only reducing the hate of whisper itself and not the player's since that's kinda what it seems like.
  8. kizant Augur

    It's also not just a TLP issue. The latest version on live doesn't do anything either.
    menown likes this.
  9. Cuinar New Member

    Clearly, the intended hate reduction tool needs to be repaired/implemented. As a healer, I find it difficult enough to keep the wizards up in game as is.
  10. TrueNorth Developer

    Was able to reproduce this issue and it is being tracked internally.
  11. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Been over 6 months, any update on fixing this?
  12. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Replying to TrueNorth is not likely to get a response.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Is that because he, along with two others, are very recently unemployed from DBG?
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    It's been nearly a year. any fix soon ?
  15. Warpeace Augur

    Good luck with that.
  16. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Almost one year since this bug was confirmed. The new expansion has upgrades of an ability that they have confirmed does not work. Any word on a fix yet?