Aradune Progress - Let's talk.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rivalry, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Rivalry Apprentice

    You got it. The site actually collected all that information, so it's there. I'll find a way to make it prominent and useful for visitors. Once I get caught up on the data, I'll make some improvements.
    Galaras likes this.
  2. Confuzzled New Member

    Everyone knows what Broken Golem is. As far as I know thats not what the complaint with the "top guild" is. The complaint is there is a quest turn in npc in Felwithe on a 24 hour respawn timer. The top guild is killing this mob when it spawns to prevent people from turning in and even getting to the broken golem step. Don't try to spin this in to something it's not. It's a pretty troll thing to do, at least own it.
    Dragnet Sleuth likes this.
  3. Vorshayla75 New Member

    Do you have a name of this person? Because no one in the "top guild" knows what you're talking about. We have had our own wizards waiting for that turn in

    Or are you just joining in on the mob mentality without fact checking because that's easier to do?
  4. Confuzzled New Member

    Not sure if your reading comprehension is on the same level as your knowledge of the activities of your own guild members, but calling out names on the forums is not permitted. It sure is a nice convenient way to pass the blame on to someone else though.
    We have witnessed it happen. I don't care about a progress site, I don't care about who gets their epic first, I don't care about anyone on this toxic server except my guild mates. But I don't like seeing people try to spin misinformation when they obviously know what the truth is.
    Own what your guild is doing and move on. You don't want to compete with other people on broken golem so you block people from getting to that point in the quest. Kudos, you found a way to monopolize the content, so own it.
    The amount of people in these threads from the "top guild" crying about fairness and truth on that progress site and then seeing them try to spin lies about the reason people are upset with them is quite funny.
    TLP Addict and Dragnet Sleuth like this.
  5. Vorshayla75 New Member

    So no you don't have proof or any inkling of what's actually going on. Just piling on.

    Got it.
    Galaras likes this.
  6. Confuzzled New Member

    Deflection again! Pro move! If only this was an Olympic sport!
    Again, calling out names and providing any of the "proof" you are trying to request is not permitted on these forums, so nice try.
    I have witnessed it happen. Other guild mates have witnessed it happen. Other guilds have witnessed it happen. This is not some super ultra rare secret. I'm actually giving you credit for finding a way to monopolize broken golem without relying on the train central tactics that have happened in the past. I'm not sure why you can't just own it. Killing one npc that is not flagged as unkillable is not some exploit, its a lot tamer than training all of Fear for 30 minutes. Gratz on all your Wizard epics!
  7. TheGoblin Elder

    Who are you in game and we can tell you who is doing it. You can't name on the forum and not get in trouble since it gets reported.
  8. Dragnet Sleuth Elder

    Oddly enough, reported by the same people who ask for names and who tell people to not come here and cry.
  9. Vorshayla75 New Member

    I mean it's pretty obvious who i am no?

    /who vorsh all
  10. Galaras Lorekeeper

    I am Galaras. I know one person that was killing Challice last weekend was not in my guild because I was personally investigating the issue along with a couple other guild wizards and some friendly wizards who did witness one of the kills shared a name with me. Feel free to shoot me a tell in game and I'll let you know who was previously killing Challice.
  11. Galaras Lorekeeper

    Explain to my why the top guild feels the need to shut people down in Felwithe when they're already locking down the Broken Golem. It makes much more sense to me that this is someone else trying to grief TEQ and stop their epic turn ins/progress since they know they won't be getting a Broken Golem.
  12. Confuzzled New Member

    Because a certain someone from that guild got banned not too long ago for training Wraith around Fear??? And it's easier to monopolize the content killing one npc in a starting town then risking getting banned preventing other people from killing the broken golem they turned in to? It's not rocket science man and you know this, stop playing dumb :)
    Dragnet Sleuth likes this.
  13. Vorshayla75 New Member

    lol the person in question doesn't even play anymore on the server.. so.. try harder?
    ttin likes this.
  14. Relentless Insomnia

    WTS Golem Sprockets on Aradune 20kr
    Galaras likes this.
  15. Confuzzled New Member

    You're right he doesn't. But I'd like to assume the rest of you are smart enough to learn from his mistakes, hence the killing in Felwithe instead of training Fear? I think you are trying a lot harder at deflecting this than anything i'm saying friend.
    Also...... big surprise to you maybe? Nobody really cares. One guy did, and he made a big deal out of it on his progress thing, and thats all been handled because there are more reasonable people on this server than guys like him. Not sure how you trying to push killing the npc in felwithe off on someone else helps you though. It's a good tactic. It prevents other people from contesting you in Fear and won't earn you a ban in the process. I've been complimenting you all evening...... You're killing me Smalls!
  16. jeskola pheerie

    I knew it, this entire thing was a hoax recruitment ad for <Spirits of Eventide>
  17. Blastoff Augur

    I thought it was a flame TEB thread like every other Aradune thread.
  18. ghaleoneternal New Member

  19. Siah Elder

    Why would EQB stop people at this step(Especially since its a tradeable item that anyone can obtain)? Honestly, even if the next top 5 guilds tried to get together to outrace EQB to Fear, pull the trash, and kill the broken golem while racing them. 99% chance they'd still lose. I highly doubt EQB is doing this at all, let alone to prevent people from racing to Fear. The fact is EQB loves racing, they love competition, and would kill for anyone to try to race at this point just for some fun. Also, it's contested DKP. Why would they cuck themselves out of fun/dkp?
    Galaras likes this.
  20. Siah Elder

    Regardless, this threat is getting derailed. Thanks for stepping up rivalry. I'm out!