April Fool's Funny For The Wrong Reasons...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by HeatherPurrs, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. HeatherPurrs Augur

    Theybreak Games proves once again they don't actually play or socialize in their own game EQ. Somehow screwing around with the ability to communicate in the game seemed like a good idea and harmless... It was a really, really bad idea.

    FYI, most of the people I play this game with are around my age 52 and a bunch of them already can't see very well. Oh, sure it's funny that they have to make a hotkey /fontface arial right? Not really.

    What's funny is they fact that several people at Theybreak Games thought this would be funny and harmless...
    Herf likes this.
  2. Lianeb Augur

    I came to the boards this morning completely expecting to read a post by someone, failing to see what Daybreak has done with April Fools and just B*tching about some obscure reason their game play has been ruined. OMG my eyes are already bad I can't possibly read a new font with these eyes!!! You guys at Daybrokes have no idea what you have done!!!! I wish you could be more sympathetic to people like me. I mean come on you ALMOST offended the blind people that play this game

    Well done!!
    Sheex and Zaviere like this.
  3. HeatherPurrs Augur

    I'm shocked that one of the few remaining players doesn't care about other people. Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!

    Ruinedmyownlands likes this.
  4. Geroblue Augur

    I remember the screaming over the red stick figures our characters turned into. Its not that big of a deal.
    eepok and Sumonerr_Tunare like this.
  5. HeatherPurrs Augur

    No big deal if your vision is still "good" not the case when your eyes are going... Please, note this April Fool's joke was half*ssed like everything else Theybreak does and wasn't carried over to the forums as well.

    Herf likes this.
  6. Geroblue Augur

    Well, I'm in game, and I can actually read the text now. I'm in my 70s and I have had retina surgery on both eyes.
    Herf likes this.
  7. Geroblue Augur

    And my character looks more like a tumbleweed rather than the half-elf they should be. So I don't think the text is the joke.
  8. High Voltage Augur

    I also really dislike! It's always sad to see the joke go away, while the fool are allowed to post all day.
  9. Tankk New Member

    Bet you're a blast irl OP
    Tatanka and Act of Valor like this.
  10. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    So, how would you complainers prefer to make an april fools joke?

    Brainstorming for next year...

    Mirror some zones in the vertical plane and watch people get lost/confused...

    Flag pok for PVP(actually happened when they merged zek) :eek:

    Replace all hat ornaments with jester-hat-ornaments(original ornament moved to a bag)

    Introduce a plane of mischief-HA, with some funny content.

    Make everyone in the lobby drunk(trippy-color GFX post-effect-scheme included). :p

    Turn maps upside-down!

    Temporarily "allow level 111"(just write the wrong level-number in the character window to trick people, when they get beyond 100% into the level, ding-sound included), how many will waste a day trying to grind level 112!

    Any other ideas! :D
    Geroblue likes this.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon


    Many of the April fools jokes of the past haven't been funny just annoying and have interupted normal play, having some fun content would be a welcome change.
    Vexana_Lanys likes this.
  12. Lianeb Augur

    You want them to make separate content available once a year.
    There are people on here complaining about a dev devoting some time to make a Font change?

    Good Lord i can't imagine Forum Quest if that happened. I mean a dev spent prolly 30s making a font change. He might spend a month or two making a whole mission that would be astronomical
    roguerunner, Sokki and Prathun like this.
  13. Febb Augur

    Bingo. And then people would complain that so much time was wasted on resources for something that only lasts one day.

    ARRRG MY THIN SKIN WONT ALLOW ME TO CONTROL MY EMOTIONS. <BBBARRKK> You've ruined your own game, you will not ruin mine! </BBAARRRKK>
    Geroblue and Sokki like this.
  14. Spellfire Augur

  15. Tornicade_IV Augur

    make the zone. but don't tell anyone then give everyone a 1% every tick to randomly be ported into the zone.
  16. gotwar Gotcharms

    Type /chatfontsize 10

    Boom. Fixed, even for bad eyes. I'm half blind without contacts in or glasses on and I can read this from a normal sitting distance.
    Sokki likes this.
  17. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Then the fact that some would miss it would start up another mosh pit of a thread!
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Who says it has to be just for 1 day?
    Halloween is 1 day yet we have a fortnight of quests, we have anniversary content which last 1-2 months.

    Anyway the pranks have continued after midday so DBG are the fools, although I'm sure it isn't midday yet somewhere.
  19. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I would rather they do nothing than make the game un-readable and un-playable. Forcing players to change their font every time they zone is not funny.

    I logged off when it happened last night. Today, I thought, "OK, log in, change the font once, play as usual." But nope! Every time you zone you get slapped in the face with a reminder that the devs and management are flippant and do not give even the slightest concern for player experience.

    I want a refund for today, since you made your game unplayable.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I think Daybreak does forget their audience. we are a bunch of grumpy old folks and we don't like change. :) (including myself in there).
    Yinla likes this.