AoE AAing and Agnarr.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Soulfire, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Soulfire Lorekeeper

    Disclaimer: This is a discussion thread. Keep personal attacks and QQing to reddit.

    I was wondering what it is that motivates people to AoE 250-300-400+ AA's during Luclin on Agnarr? Essentially most classes cap out around 400AAs for "useful" AAs and then you start buying the crap . Considering PoP and LDoN are to come as thr ONLY remaining viable xp expansions to...what sort of fun will you have in those expansions beyond the +5 levels in PoP if you've capped your AAs during Luclin.

    Aren't you essentially just driving at a faster pace towards a brickwall? Or is Agnarr really just a disposable server that you only intend on capping max AAs beating PoP then trying to flip your toons on associated websites.

    I myself have not taking part of The Deep AoE's as I found during my time on EQMac Shakerpaging it killed the joy of farming AAs during "normal/regular" group experiences and then you had 0 motivation to do anything outside of Shakerpaging and Raiding.
  2. Alita New Member

    Because pulling as a cleric in AoEs is one of the best fun. You may or may not understand what i mean.Prolly not.

    There is a reason wizards, enchanters, clerics, bards, mages have AoE spells in their spellbook - the game is made to put em in use. We push our gameplay to the max instead of boring regular groups.

    Further more , this is a great opportunity to team up and meet great new players outside of our own guild, giving a delightful feeling of community with the server. friend lists growing. Of course you get to meet the poorest player ever like fizzo actionn and a few more that try to ks our work but hey, bad apples everywhere.

    Send me a tell if you ever wanna join one of my group just for the taste of the great AoE pulls experience.

    Also thanks to the devs that let it happen. We have great fun doing it.

    [High Priest] Gally < Faceless Empire >
    Sumonerr_Tunare likes this.
  3. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Its just a different way to play... didnt you ever try paw instead of guk? Probably if you wanted something different.

    Also, there is definitely something to be said for banking aas in a raid guild. When pop drops, the player that can drop 100 aa on minute 1 will be vastly superior to their character 1 day prior.
  4. Kahna Augur

    But both the guy who banked 100 AA and the guy who didn't will still be able to faceroll PoP. PoP is not hard, the only thing that will limit the speed of people's progression is how much time they are willing to dedicate to raiding it. It takes 30-40 hours to complete all the raids and get to Time. The only thing that will separate the "top" guild from the "lesser" guilds is if they decided to do that 40 hours in 1 week or 4 weeks.

    I really have to agree with the OP here, not so much on the AE AA thing, I mean, I don't like AE groups but if that is what floats your boat, whatever. I do find the racing towards a brick wall a bit confusing. Unless you always planned on quitting after a few rounds of Time. I guess if you want to get it over with quickly, and then go do something else. But for those folks who swear they want to be in PoP forever I just don't see the advantage to it. You literally have forever.
  5. Alita New Member

    From high raiding guild perspective :

    You don't have weeks to finish MGB, divine rez , instant DA and so on. you need aaxp abilities to get done fast to be efficient at raids the faster the better.

    Once done with aaxp, you can focus on everything else ( tradeskills , farm bane weapons mats , help guildies finish their vt/emp keys, track raid targets etc).

    Finaly you can burn a few Gylph of fireworks because it's aaaamazing xD

    [High Priest] Gally < Faceless Empire >
  6. Ahze Elder

    Can confirm, this is tremendous fun for a raiding cleric. Your gear goes from a hodgepodge of armor types to a full plate suit in Velious, you gain a tremendous amount of AC. Combined with our other abilities and the new aa's, clerics become one of the best pullers for this activity. The increase in survivability is very apparent and new power is always fun. Pulling is a huge change of pace from our usual role. Never mind the joy of large and steady xp gains instead of the trickle you get grouping in this era. I got 14 aa in one hour on Phinny with server xp bonus and stacking a 50% potion on the east side of The Deep. That was with a crazy stacked aoe group of fully raid geared mains, with boxes out of group assisting.

    Part of the fun is managing to pull together the resources to do it and then getting in enough practice to do it well. There are a ton of little tricks and methods to learn. Once you are done on your mains, you change the xp group and do your boxes. Then new boxes, cuz leveling an alt in an aoe group is deluxe.
    Alita likes this.
  7. Death Strudel Augur

    1) It's fun
    2) AEs are otherwise underutilized
    3) Fast XP
    4) Plenty of alts to level and gear, not worried about running out of stuff to do before the server population fizzles out anyway.

    Other dumb questions?
  8. Vashnoob Lorekeeper

    maybe they also like loot/platinum
  9. Turinbar Augur

    Would love to see mobs with a fast casting spell reflect just to screw with the AoE groups. Bunch of those guys suddenly reflect 30 separate aoe rain spells on a unsuspecting caster :)
  10. Soulfire Lorekeeper

    Aye can definately appreciate the pooling of resources and perfecting the art of AoEing.

    I was never apart if pull teams or the warrior+shaman that would shakerpage but it was a blast coming back from LD to see all those AA's or levels.
  11. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    Pulling the deep on my Cleric was probably one of the most fun things I have ever done in everquest.
    Alita likes this.
  12. Accipiter Old Timer

    If you're using rains in an AOE group, you're doing it wrong.
    Sumonerr_Tunare likes this.
  13. Master Kahleem Augur

    o_O What would a "perfect" AOE group comp look like in Classic (for Coirnav)?
  14. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    For the deep I liked to add a bard in as well! But we used to run with alot of out of group support due to the boxes.
  15. Bewts Augur

    Speaking from experience, the first clear of PoP once it unlocks is really easy for basically everything if you are level 64. Doing it at level 62/63 through EP up until TRC has maybe one or two mobs that may chew through a tank. Banked AA come in useful to make you a 62/63 “plus” instead of a 62/63 “standard” toon during that effort and can really make a difference between “yawn are we in Time yet?” and a Zerg bind / battle rezz, kite the adds effort.

    I’m not honestly sure you can beat TRC legitimately without some toons 64+ and it still may be a losing effort where you end up too OOM to win at the end. Having those AA can make a world of difference there.

    Do you need all the AA pixels? Nah; not even at 65 going to GoD do you need em all. Well placed is typically good enough but Wild Rampage may change your tune after clerics stop healing you because you cannot take wild ramp.