Anyone notice the Beta and Test servers?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xent, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Xent New Member

    On the server status page it shows a Beta server and a Test server.

    Test Server is currently live low pop, but not in the queue of servers player side.

    Is this typical or does anyone think this is indicative of a new TLP being tested for launch?
  2. Silinius Augur

    Test server has it's own launch pad and file system. I have a completely separate install for Test just to make it easier. Test does not indicate a new server. That said, Beta Server might indicate a new server.
  3. jeskola pheerie

    Test updates a week before live generally, so we had this last week. Also, if you are curious about how test works:

    No wipe worry
    Free gold status
    Free perma double XP
    Can /testcopy from live every 8 hours to bring over plat, gear, spells, etc.
    Free expansions usually up to one before current (EOK atm but RoS expected soon - can still buy new expansion if desired)
    Tons of free gear and stuff given out pretty regularly and put up in baz for 1 copper
  4. jeskola pheerie

    Test Server Perks

    Full content unlocked up to expansion prior to current endgame live expansion (equivalent of paid subscription on live servers + expansion prior to live endgame for free).

    You can make up to 8 characters per account on Test.
    No limitations on Mercs, so as a F2P player you can get the journeyman mercs on test (you have free Gold Membership)

    Test Server is always ongoing, so never wipes.

    Test receives all new content and expansions weeks before regular servers.

    Serverwide permanent DOUBLE EXP! This stacks with LOTD, potions, and Hotzones as well so you can effectively get a ****ton of EXP!!

    Ability to copy over ANY existing toon from ANY server by logging in and typing /testcopy! The only limit is once every 8 hours, so just keep copying over an alt with all your cash and special items on it and you will never have cash problems in game

    Leveling is really fast, you actually see your EXP bar move when you kill stuff (not like days of old when it took 3 days of hardcore playing to get 5% EXP, lol)

    Ability to instantly level any new level 1 character to level 25 will a full suit of armor and all spells/songs for that class by typing /testbuffme.

    Immediate unlock of ALL veteran reward AA's. Your account doesn't need to be from 1999 to get all of the beneficial veteran AA's!

    Decent sized player activity results in enough people on to usually find a group but not so many people on that certain things are perma camped.

    There are raiding guilds on Test.

    Multiboxers are welcomed and not harassed.

    You can be power leveled from level 26-100 in 1 day by friends or guildies

    (Note: I plagarized this from somewhere and edited it.)
  5. Trevalon Augur