Any update on pet proc lag in raids?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Metanis, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. Soulbanshee Augur

    Which would all stem from whatever the pipeline algorithm is. And again, removing procs from pets only defers the issue to the next time player/zone mechanics start taking up more of the pipeline. Removing pet procs (reducing potential* damage) isnt the answer, optimizing the pipeline in front of pets is the best way forward. It may let pets swing more, but thats not how pets are tuned, removing procs is removing damage that they could be adding. If pets were programatically cut off from all procs, melee damage would have to be tuned at least 3x higher most likely.
  2. Swiss Augur

    I'm all for them fixing the issue in other places as well but I'm really confused how any procs would be that high of dmg for you.
    Fenthen and Sancus like this.
  3. fransisco Augur

    I Agree that player stuff needs to be minimized. But simply removing pet procs and increasing thier base damage to make up for it would help today. Reducing player stuff will be hard, because everyone will throw a hissy fit that something changed. The story of these forums and eq feedback is players would rather hurt themselves than have a change that is neutral to them but helps other players.
    Sancus, Metanis, kizant and 2 others like this.