Antonius Bayle Lag

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kable, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Kable Lorekeeper

    can you please get off your and fix this seriously not even a response or anything.The whole dam server is playing red light green light over here for weeks
  2. Barbwarrior Augur

    getting disconnected every few min in certain zones
  3. Songsa Augur

    We can't play with this lag, need to be fixed asap.
  4. Imrahil Augur

    This is unacceptable. Can't play EQ like this anymore.
  5. JolineSZ Augur

    As stated in other thread, we have to stop raids because we get 2 minutes spikes. Do we have again a dead hobbit somewhere stuck under world like some years ago? Not funny.
  6. RagePaw Augur

    Fix the lag problems on AB please. This is unplayable.
  7. Calineth New Member

    is not normal to have BIG lag in instance in a game of you pay for play !!!!
  8. Casidia Augur

    Fly San Diego >>> London >>> Munich >>> Athens >>> Cairo >>> Lagos >>> Cape Town.
    Take the train down to Struis Bay.
    Jump on a boat south...welcome to Ant.....onius Bayle
  9. Barbwarrior Augur

    We had bixie raid instanced die on us chest poof and half raid rolled back lost currency ><
  10. zzalp New Member

    Sony, you guys need to fix the lag on AB its been like this for weeks.... Why havent you guys done something about this 3 weeks is plenty of time, get off your lazy ***es
  11. Killswitch New Member

    Please do something about the lag spikes, the game is almost unplayable and it takes 7 to 10 minutes to load a instance most times and sometimes you have to drop because the timer will run out on you because you can't zone in.
  12. Edrick Augur

    I'm not a Euro player, but I would think this would be a good time for Piestro to step in and say something. I think the most frustrating thing about a problem in EQ is when Sony does not respond, and that is what is happening right now.
    Imrahil likes this.
  13. Ardin Elder

    I have to agree, this lag is silly, and SoE's reaction to this (hiding a head in the sand) is silly as well.
    Instances are broken - we have to wait forever and ane day for them, insane lag spikes (up to few minutes). Zoning to GH can place you in random zone, ie - Field of Scale.
    It is unplayable in it's current state.
  14. Ashigaru Augur

    Got to agree that this sucks. Mobs constantly rubber-banding, instances not triggering, instances crashing. Makes the game unplayable. Plus, the activity from hackers seems to be on the rise - watched a warper gleefully hopping around neriak killing named that others had spawned, look like it was made a lot easier for them by the lag as they took zero damage when killing
  15. azulin New Member

    Just unplayable, raid instances, group instances, guildhalls .... all is lagging like hell, and has been since 3 weeks now, what is Soe waiting for ?
  16. Drewie Augur

    Also, having many pets, warders and familiars stay active in Guild Lobby and other zones when their owner is disconnected doesn't help with the lag.
  17. douxreve Elder

    Raid lags for all the members at the same times, instances very long to initiate, wrong message on instance requests, guild hall sometimes unstable, mercenaries who disappeare through zoning, i hope SoE will patch these terrible problems quick.
  18. OllieT New Member

    Agreed. I was trying to do the MG instance last night and kept getting 30 second to 1 minute freezes. Also my Monk's swarm pets appeared to be persisting, at least graphically. They didn't actually do anything (shame because if it was giving us an advantage I'm sure they would be all over it like a rash) but they were frozen in place next to the mob's corpses after the fights had finished.

    Can we PLEASE get some sort of confirmation that you are at least aware of this???
  19. Conjurous_AB Elder

    Dunno it its related but u can't drop down pit in shards landing to get to sepulcher for the shard experiences task, u just float to the bottom on AB server.
  20. Brogett Augur

    It's annoying how you can do an AE TL to bind (with 90% in guild hall) and have 4-5 people get zone denied entry while everyone else is just fine. It just randomly loses the plot :/