Another TLP Question - AOC Specific

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Malevolus, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Malevolus New Member

    After getting the EQ itch again, I have been contemplating coming back and was previewing the forums but came across a question I can't find an answer to.

    I would like 3 box new toons and have my old accounts so they could just be reactivated. I was reading about the Agents of Change that have been created and this idea was incredibly appealing because I would love to start fresh on new characters, progress through their epics and such and have the ability to access instances of the older zones that are pretty much permadead on live servers. As i read further I found that it requires 6 characters to activate an instance via the agent of change. I would even be fine doing a 6 box situation but then ran into the rule about true boxing. I have 3 separate computers but not 6. My main PC would easily run 6 accounts by itself but I know this is a violation of Phinny's rules.

    So my question is whether there is a sever that I could 6 box on (via just 1 PC) that also has access to agents of change for older zones? My ideal play scenario is pretty much a solo experience leveling up through old content with access to the raid mobs. I know its not very MMO'ish of me, but with unusual schedules and availability, I would prefer to do old content at my pace on my own schedule without having to permacamp mobs for epics, never being able to get raid mob items, etc. The TLP server details I have found don't specify if all of them have AOC.

    Can this be accomplished?
  2. MarttinPH Augur

    I know a little bit about AOC, I believe all six characters don't have to be on at the same time. Log on three characters and form a group. Camp one or more out temporary to invite another character on that account. Then request the zone.
    If it is anything like live, which a lot of raids require six to request, then it usually isn't hard to find someone to temporary invite to join so you can request it.
    There isn't a server with AOC that doesn't have True Box rules. That being said, on ragefire/lockjaw finding epic mobs up usually isn't a problem. I did almost every epic on ragefire without having major issues. About live, that would be an issue depending on what you want to do. Some of the old school raid npcs are permakilled. It would be very hard to find them up.
  3. Malevolus New Member

    This is exactly the info I was looking for about offline DZ participants. I would also like the flexibility to revisit raids like ToV and Vex Thal without having to compete. Boxing 3 (on separate PC's) on Phinny should work perfectly for this. Thanks much!