Another returning player - Class combo question - end game

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Jackofall, May 2, 2017.

  1. Jackofall Journeyman

    I have been EQ sober since 2007 and can't take it no more! I have two accounts and I plan to (solo) two-box until I get back in the saddle.

    So far I have been starting skimming the web for tips. I will shop the latest expansions on both accounts to get mercenaries and what not.

    Account 1: Paladin Human 67, Enchanter Erudite 75, Druid Halfling 41, Necro Iksar 57, Barbarian Rogue 10
    Account 2: Shaman Troll 57, Wizard Human 63, Cleric Dark Elf 63, Mage Gnome 23, Beastlord Troll 28, Warrior Human 43,

    I lack a tracker in the set up. I have no clue which combo I want to pursue. I have been raiding with the Enchanter and became pretty good at keeping 2-4 mobs parked. In the end I want to be able to get picked up for casual play groups.

    I died while logging in on my necro. I respawned in PoK fully clothed. 2-3 days later I bought the Pristine Soulstone (max 70) and handed it in. Alas no corpse. Did I do it wrong?
  2. Jackofall Journeyman

    Wow my corpse spawned outside the entrance to the Guild Hall.
  3. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    As for the classes. Id suggest you pick a main you enjoy playing, then on second account a matching class that pairs well. After that grab the best merc your account allows, so both toons have a merc, get over to the Teek brothers and get the lvl apprioate daily task and the two below or one up if you can. Go knock them out every day. Get some ok gear, more or less I ask in general if anyone needs if not I tribute it. Once you hit 85, knock oit the J5 merc task for a huge upgrade.
    One piece of advice I was given when I returned was buy a krono or two and sell it for plat. Use said plat for upgrades you need not want. Overall just enjoy being back!
  4. Jackofall Journeyman

    If I combo necro for pulling with shaman or mage for utility, what merceneries would be best?
  5. Aurastrider Augur

    Having boxed a couple of combos I will say having your main as either a tank or a puller makes a world of difference. I don't see an SK in the mix which can do both very well so I would suggest using either your pally, warrior or enchanter as your main. Although if your skilled at pulling with your necro that's a solid main. If you go the enchanter route I would do the mage as your box due to them being very easy to macro and pet tank. Looking at your accounts If you went pally I would do wizard or mage. Warrior with necro but warrior would be your main not the necro. If necro main mage and wizard both work well. Two pets are always better than one.

    For your mercs it all depends. If your rolling a real tank then a healer and dps merc. If your using a pet tank I would say the same as long as pet can stay up. If not remove the dps and add tank merc. Basically two tanks is almost always pointless and will slow down killing.
  6. Jackofall Journeyman

    Thanks for the feedback. So far I have been running around PoK preparing to buy mercs and shoping spells for my shammys next level. I guess I could solo my mage with a DPS merc and being PLed by my main account. Once the mage is older I can two box more efficiently with my Ench as main.

    For two-boxing Pally as main with a healer merc? Once mage is of age he can join the pally and have a DPS merc ?
  7. Tornat Augur

    2 Things needed to do everything in EQ , Tank , puller.
    Puller controls everything the group will fight , bigger the tank bigger mobs/names you can fight.

    That being said , In my opinion if you wanted to main the pally , that limits the supporting classes to Bard/monk/enchanter/necro to do the pulling. It's kinda why you see Sk so popular there a class that can Tank & pull . than you can box anything with it.
  8. Jackofall Journeyman

    I might as well pay to get a new slot and start over with a SK then. So I guess SK + healer merc and Shaman + caster DPS merc?
  9. roth Augur

    Do you really need a healer merc if you have a healer as your bot? Get good with the shaman and you'll want two wizard mercs, which will let you down more stuff faster. Alternatively, unlock a second merc slot and swap cleric and wizard mercs as needed.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    A few notes:
    1. SK + Sha is extremely powerful and a good combination to start with. Other good combos with your current characters are war/enc, war/dru, pal/sha. The biggest thing it's lacking is a tracker which hurts. Shamans are legit DPS classes right now, and can also heal / buff / debuff. They can also be boxed fairly easily and can heal while they DPS by using a combo of some AE heals / DoTs.

    2. Depending on how much boxing you want to do, you may want to consider adding a third class. Adding a ranger, druid or bard (the trackers in EQ) would increase your capability by a lot. Note that while druid's are good DPS now, I wouldnt' count on that continuing to the next expansion. If it were me I'd add a bard just because of selo's, but a ranger is probably the best option. Good thing about three boxing is you get three mercs.
  11. Tornat Augur

    SK/shaman is a good combo I did that for awhile it lets you do harder content , slows help alot. I'd use melee dps mercs over caster tho works better with shaman. Having a cleric merc isn't a bad thing help with harder content , buffs , would be a good ideal tho to learn heal on shaman for lesson burns able to switch the cleric merc out for dps merc.
  12. Jackofall Journeyman

    Currently I am PLing a ranger from scratch on a free account (3rd).
    I plan to gold up on my 1st account and create the SK. Use DPS Melee on SK and Ranger while my second account PL using Shammy. Once they are on same level as Shammy I will run 3-box proper.

    As far as I remember it is a bad idea to have a too big difference between characters.
  13. Dalsina Lunrais

  14. Jackofall Journeyman

    Yesterday I took my pally to solo the varg Captain in Kunark's Castle. Only to find out that he was Fabled and smashed me. I am very rusty. So I Golded up my two old accounts and had a hard time navigating Upper Guk and finaly came down and killed a Fabled. Only to have my pally die again.

    I will need a lot training and setting up of bandoliers macros and what not. Still, it is fun to have a battery of support characters beefing up my ranger. After work today I will create my SK and hand him the Argent Protector my Ranger is currently wielding. Later on the Ranger can dual my two Ykesha short swords.
  15. Bigstomp Augur

    Your tank will die alot. It's what tanks do. If someone else can live long enough to rez him, he can get right back into the frey.
  16. Jackofall Journeyman

    Yup. My cleric used the res stick and my two melee DPS held their own.

    I need to get my stuff together with seting up abilities, spells and macros. Repetition is the mother of learning.
  17. Aurastrider Augur

    If your in a guild or have access to a combat dummy I would suggest spending significant time next to one while you do your research, set up macros, and assign hotkeys. The combat dummy is there for you to "test" everything before you actually engage a real mob. This will ensure everything is firing as desired and give you a feel for your setup before you put it into play without having to worry about death. When ever I would start a new team or add a new class I could easily spend a day or more just doing this combined with researching abilities and spells.
  18. Jackofall Journeyman

    I am in still in our old guild. Is there a dummy in the guild hall?
  19. Cerpoxx Lorekeeper

    If it's not too late, or your minds still open. Re roll your toons on luclin server, whatever combo u want. I personally prefer tank,sham,bard.... because it's the best, all areas are covered, and sham on macros and bard on melody basically means just play the tank..... anyhow, if u wanna re roll on luclin server. Post back with you char names. I'll invite you to the guild and get you all setup. And an evening will be sufficient time for me to re level them all up to where your at, so u aren't making backwards progress. Goodluck on your killing!
  20. Jackofall Journeyman

    Thanks for the generous offer. I decline based on two points. First I have my old characters that are dear to me as officers in my old guild. Second I got my new SK and new ranger to lvl 37 with my old mage.

    On my mages account I have a 57 Sha. Soon I can chain pull with my ranger while Sha grabbs aggro. I plan to switch SK's merch from DPS to healer and back up Sha with DPS. Pull with arrow, sha torpor and slow. SK assists, new pull.

    This way my shammy level defense on green mobs and my low characters dont get resisted to much while things are easy enough to send out the ranger again.

    On my SK's account I have a 75 Ench to buff the shammy and ranger.