Another Character Hacked/Stripped: There Is A Problem Here

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by vjfinazzo, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. vjfinazzo Lorekeeper

    Okay, I worded the original post wrong, I'm sorry, THE POINT WAS THAT NOBODY HAD MY INFO.

    Secondly, I actually do not use the 'remember my password' for my EverQuest. I may use it online sometimes, but like I stated, those are different e-mails with different passwords. At this point it doesn't matter, people are going to believe what they want. I am just wondering why it is taking so long for a response. This isn't a joke.

    I still have my 2nd account (different password, email, username, etc.) -- it has remained untouched. It is from 1999, and has been active since. The account and character are fine, well, not fine, cancelled because I'm done dealing with Daybreak.

    I was really, really, REALLY pulling for you guys to make it. Turn this game around, make the veterans happy and bring a new wave of players in.. and one of the first policies you put in place has already lost you money. Sure, its just a penny in the big DBG bank account, but they are still LOYAL CUSTOMERS.

    This will continue to happen with this policy. Your next 'campaign' release better be one GREAT piece of work, or you will see probably the biggest population decrease you've seen in awhile.

    I wish you all well, oh, and.. #RestorePwnz #RestoreRinabots #RestoreTierwin
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  2. Slasher Augur

    sorry but no one believes you. Accounts are not hacked like people think it just does not happen if it does its something on the users end no ones risking 20 years in prison over a freaking EQ character.

    Top reasons your account gets stolen.
    1. Sharing
    2. Fake email links you click
    3. same email/password on other sites (example if you have the same email and password on another site they log on your email and do a password recovery once they do that they delete the email so you never know it happen. A certain fan site for another game was suspected of doing this.
    4. Did I mention sharing ?

    Anyone who thinks people are hacking accounts any other way have no idea what they're talking about. I would bet 9/10 people claiming this actually did it themselves to make $ and don't care at all if they get the character back but hey why not try right ?
    complexication likes this.
  3. vjfinazzo Lorekeeper

    There's a business for that, it's called powerleveling. It's not called playing EverQuest for almost 16 years, investing about $2500 to keep my account active (I have multiple accounts), and that's just the money I put into it. You know how much time was invested into raiding, aug camping, etc.. the days of work I called off because of an expansion drop, the friends and memories I've had? There is no value on that. I don't know the prices of the characters, but I can guarantee you with my LIFE that selling/stripping/lying to make money would be idiotic. Make a few hundred for a decade and a half of my life spent?

    Like I said, don't really care if you believe me. I could have everyone DBG customer believe me, but nothing would happen, because the DBG policy is complete garbage.

    My mission now, as same with Pwnz, is to get DBG to realize THIS IS AN INSANELY COMPLETELY HORRIFIC POLICY.

    We are willing to PAY you to retrieve our characters, please implement a Pay-to-Restore function in the future, and since jackoffs like "Slasher" think it's all a hoax, also implement something to prevent people from transferring to FV without waiting a certain amount of time, send warning emails, and make it so it is fool proof.

    So much you can do, and so little you are doing.. well, except for closing threads.
    beryon, Maxe and Elricvonclief like this.
  4. Tweelis Augur

    Simply playing devil's advocate.

    Let's pretend DBG does start selling a character restore thingy that will even move a toon from FV back to your original server. How much would people be willing to spend on that? I just did some research and found a handful of raid level items on "that site" for what I consider stupid amounts of greenbacks. Get even 20 full sets of raid gear and a group of college students would be set for a semester.

    IMO if a character restore option were to exist they'd have to make it cost prohibitive so the 8 person LAN parties don't run piles of toons through raids simply to make money. Granted eventually the market would adjust and prices for top end raid gear will loose value but by that point most people like me will have quit in disgust.

    If there were a "never transfer this toon to FV" option I for one would jump on that in a heartbeat. Heck, I'd even be willing to drop some SC for a token like that.
  5. Aghinem Augur

    I agree - haven't had a problem in 5 years myself simply because I don't do any of the 4 points you mentioned. Its sad but the naivety of some of the players really staggers me. If the OP hadn't originally shared his account, then he wouldn't have had to change his password - well, whomever he shared it with initially had access to account information obviously and can see which email address is attached to his DBG account. With some clever email password recovery techniques that I shall not mention - a person can easily ascertain a person's private email password - then use the password recovery option to gain access to the new EQ password. This is one of many methods to which is caused by the source issue...

    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  6. Mayfaire Augur

    Meh. I think a few of you are grinding the salt in the wound a little too deep, and are a little too sure that you are way too smart for this to ever happen to you. There is absolutely nothing earth shattering that is being asked for here - something done on DBG's end to show that they realize this is a horrible thing that has happened to a number of people - like ending transfers to FV. I could be horribly mistaken, but to me, that seems like an incredibly easy fix in (probably) a few lines of code.

    And to all who keep bringing up "Maybe you clicked on an email that you should not have", well hells bells, let's just hang them! Clicking a tainted e-mail is surely worthy of losing a toon that you have worked on for a decade, amiright? I mean, come on. LOL. Someone who may not know as much as you about hacking tomfoolery deserves to lose something this important to them? <le sigh>

    To sum up: Don't dance on their graves too gleefully y'all, karma can be a hairy bee-otch. ;)
    vjfinazzo, Grove, beryon and 4 others like this.
  7. Glace Journeyman

    Please remove the monetary incentive by blocking transfers to FV and we won't have to see these posts anymore. If the profit in real dollars from selling raid equipment is as high as people have said, that's the root of the problem, it's well worth a hacker's time.

    Offer authenticators again. Give us some piece of mind.

    Or perhaps DBG makes too much cash off of these transactions? That makes you complicit.
  8. Aghinem Augur

    The likely reason the "No FV Transfer Flag/Token" hasn't been implemented is because this issue is not as broad as many people are making it seem. Remember the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" myth? Get enough people talking and validating it, and it suddenly manifests into a reality.

    Lets ask the real question. How many accounts since January have legitimately been hacked? I mean legitimately through the use of malicious software, invasive access techniques, password decryption devices, etc etc?

    Hackers do not target individual accounts, they go after entire systems (ie. banks, corporate dossiers, military mainframes, credit card databases, etc etc).

    9 times out of 10, these incidents are from individuals who at some point in time shared their account or implied that they shared their account. The situation with Minishot is a prime example. It was like someone yelled FIRE and everyone had a knee jerk reaction and jumped to conclusions of what was going on and how DBG was screwing a great player over. It wasn't until several posts and threads later that it was finally conveyed that he shared his account with another individual who "screwed" him...

    This is not about rubbing salt into a wound or jumping on someone's grave, this is about people needing to start holding themselves accountable for their own actions.

    If this OP was legitimately hacked, he has my sympathy and Roshen decreed that CSR will work with people who are a victim of hacking; but if there is a history of a person sharing account information - forget it. In other words, why should a company assist anyone who knowingly violated the EULA?
  9. Glace Journeyman

    Define "legitimate." Any unauthorized access to my account I deem a hack and if a character is moved and gear stripped for real money, it is theft.

    If you click the wrong email, does that makes it ok for someone to be hacked? Trusting the wrong person with their username makes it acceptable? They were dumb and deserved it?

    If I do not lock my car door and someone steals it, do police not respond? Does my insurance company not accept my claim?

    The hackers from 2011 had access to all usernames, so that info is already out there.

    Click on the EQ chat sometime with an account that has no handle set, guess what, your station name is there for all to see.

    One "fan" site that a lot of the players in EQ use and subscribe to is owned or affiliated with an real-money trade site. Is it safe to use that site? If you do, is it your fault if you pick up a virus/keylogger and theft occurs?

    Sure, big-time hackers hit big targets, but there are lots of small-time little hackers out there as well. Selling players raid gear on the gold mine server sounds well worth it to a kid. Since I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for such small-time stuff, it seems pretty safe.

    I don't really care how the info was acquired, theft is theft. And unless every complaint of this nature was due to the player selling his own stuff and trying to scam DBG, they should be helping. A large part of that help would be to not allow any transfer to FV. Remove the incentive. Transfers there are one-way at this time, make them no-way. Feel free to roll a new character if you want to play there.
    vjfinazzo, beryon, Maxe and 4 others like this.
  10. Aghinem Augur

    If someone is dumb enough to offer a person their username and password to someone on the internet, then yes, they deserve it. That is like giving someone your bank account information and then screaming at the bank when you got robbed. Again, the magic word is accountability.

    You are comparing apples to oranges; a stolen account doesn't even parallel a felony grand theft auto situation; and as long as your keys weren't left in the ignition - the insurance company will process your claim ( I use to be in that industry ).

    I don't know - I don't go to those sites; but most up to date anti-virus software can detect and block most malicious downloads - if someone however doesn't have a updated anti-virus detection library, is that Daybreak's fault? No.

    This is where I think you are very misinformed. There is no such thing as big-time or small-time hackers. In the eyes of US Federal law, any unauthorized access to any system would be treated as a felony and there are more prosecuted cases than I think you are even aware of.

    That actually is the common problem. A majority of the claims are illegitimate and in the past before SOE became Daybreak, this was a highly known and used scam. Low on cash? Log through a different PC or use a proxy connection, transfer your toon to another server, strip it down, sell it on the black market, file a /petition and roll the dice to see if you get a restoration.
    complexication likes this.
  11. Sasenach Journeyman

    I agree with Glace. Remove the option to transfer to FV. Period.
  12. Harmonae Journeyman

    I believe him. It happened to me in WoW. I had never shared my account information, I used a different password than on other sites. I didn't visit sites where one might worry about malicious scripts. One day, I logged in and my toon was naked with no money. Of course, their customer service fixed it with one phone call. They told me that that often such things happened by picking up a keylogger.

    I think people are refusing to believe it wasn't his fault because the alternative is just too frightening - it could happen to any of us and we're not sure what the security problem is so we can fix it.

    #RestorePwnz #RestoreRinabots #RestoreTierwin
    Yinla, vjfinazzo and Elricvonclief like this.
  13. Aghinem Augur

    Roshen has said countless times they would assist a player who has had their account legitimately hacked, professing they have utilities to make those determinations; if they haven't assisted him yet - there is probably a reason.
    complexication likes this.
  14. Elricvonclief Augur

    Anghinem you are missing the point.

    We are arguing that the policy is wrong, and needs to be modified.

    Oh, and jumping on Pwnz and Tierwin when they are down is just plain wrong. It really shows the type of person you are IRL.
    Yinla and beryon like this.
  15. Aghinem Augur

    I didn't miss anyone's point and understand people are lobbying to have policy changed, I'm not stupid; furthermore, attacking my character really doesn't say much about you either being not once did I ever stomp all over either one of those individuals directly or indirectly. Point out one area of any of my statements that I danced over their graves; directly or indirectly. In fact, I even stated - if the OP's situation is absolutely legitimate, they have my sympathy. Learn to read or at least skim a bit more accurately before making statements filled with vexatious assumption.

    If you are going to sit on your butt and accuse me simply because I made a number of valid points that people who do share their accounts eventually bring this on themselves, exhibited examples of legitimate hacking methods and known scams that existed prior to this new policy, and cited that CSR will in fact restore a hacked account if it is legitimate per Roshen's many statements - then enjoy your life in fantasy land.

    Every stone tossed into a pond will create a ripple effect; some positive, some negative.
    complexication likes this.
  16. beryon Augur

    You've seriously never used Allakhazam?

    Most criminals aren't lawyers. (Whether most lawyers are criminals is another discussion.) While the law may punish all equally, that doesn't mean people won't think small-time hacking is worth the risk.

    Aside from the recent rare random raid-quality drops (which are, you know, rare), all the good stuff is no-drop. The scam can only work by transferring to one particular server, which for a long time did not allow transfers at all. The scam might have worked in early EQ, but nowadays it only works by transferring to FV. I can't imagine that there's such a huge demand for legitimate transfers to FV that it's worth the horrible PR they're getting over their open-door transfer policy. Closing the door on FV transfers [or at the very least, require one or more outside confirmation(s)] would prevent scams AND help everyone sleep easier at night.
    Glace, Elricvonclief and Mayfaire like this.
  17. Elricvonclief Augur

    Aghinem seems to be missing the point, folks want a recourse.

    Although, as he's on FV, I wonder if he's making $ off this, and is defending it?

    As loud as you're talking, Aghninem, it makes folks wonder.

    Seriously, why would you support Daybreak not restoring hacked characters that had gear sold off on FV, while you yourself are on that server? It doesn't pass the smell test.
    vjfinazzo likes this.
  18. vjfinazzo Lorekeeper

    Thanks Harm, I don't understand how people can think someone wouldn't waste time hacking into "small-time" EQ accounts. The money is good there. Blizzard has great customer service, I can't even get a Email/Petition back from DBG, and they took away the Live Support policy... so... smart?
    I have had the 'Roshen is on vacation' excuse, I have had no responses, and I am fully willing to cooperate, they can investigate, they can check my IPs and logs. But that's the problem, they're not doing that even if they say they are looking into it. All this information is stored and they can definitely get it, let alone restore it. So, sir Aghinem, how do you expect me to get assisted when I am talking to a wall? If I was in the wrong, they can tell me that too if I slipped up. But I didn't. C'mon DBG, where they at doe?
    .....lmao really now.... Sirige you got me rollin on the floor laughing. Sitting behind the monitor pretending what someone else looks like (imagining, ew, kinda weird you creeper) and talking tough. eThuggin at it's finest. 9 times out of 10, when some random troll on the internet starts calling people fat/nerd/ugly/pathetic.. they're reflecting their self-views on others. If things start getting hard Sirige and people keep bullying you, here is the # to the suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255

    This thread is getting ridiculous. I am not getting help, and the FV supporters and trollers keep rolling in. Thanks everyone who stuck strong, but the forums aren't even getting an answer from the Devs, so I will have to keep trying other methods.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  19. vjfinazzo Lorekeeper

    And when you're a player, let alone guild leader on FV, chances are you play because you don't have time, like the easy way out, and would rather just buy your gear. Offering a 'No-FV-Transfer' option would ruin their market.. they would actually have to raid, put in the hours, and earn their gear... :O
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  20. vjfinazzo Lorekeeper

    And like I said.. those trollers who make accounts just to be tools, argue, and stir the pot..
    Sirige you must be pretty knowledgeable, had to made a brand new account to make 1 post talking down to Elric. Wow, I feel bad for you, that, sir, is pathetic o_O
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