Anniversary Tower ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Windance, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Windance Augur

    I saw a reference to "Anniversary Tower" in test patch discussion thread.

    Does anyone have information about it?

    I'm hoping its not a re-re-re-revamp of the tower of frozen shadows.
    Petalonyx likes this.
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  3. Svann2 The Magnificent

    SPOILERS from the test realm:
    Only the first trial was doable on test. Easily moloable on my bard. Rewards were kind of weird. You do a simple quest to make the key then that gives you the trial task and unlocks the door. The outside quest rewarded 10 currency but the trial only rewarded achievement completion. Before the trial the vendor npc only had a new roboboar mount but after the trial was done she showed low stat TBM type 9 (?!!) augs, and also a couple weapon ornaments. This was on test though so it may have changes when it goes live.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. alanus Augur

    I'd assume the new quests we get each month will unlock better rewards
    Svann2 likes this.
  5. Ashigaru Augur

    I think there's a charm on the vendor as well.

    Looking at the slots the T9 augs fit in (all non-vis), it might be reasonable to assume that each month will open up a different item type
  6. Nightops Augur

    from what I've seen on other sites, the charm reward looks like a comparison for LI T1 charm items with a few extra hps and a slot 9 aug slot. The Slot 9 augs are approx 30ac with 750hps and a few heroics. Nothing special to make a boost to this charm
    Unparalleled Charm of Distant Echoes 10 [IMG] 399 12462 11918 11918 28 29 29 28 29 30 53

    And there is a shield aug too... with a game changing 1ac and 8hme more then drop from t1 LI.
    Unparalleled Stone of Distant Echoes 10 [IMG] 99 758 758 758 30 30 30 30 0 0 0
  7. zarcal Elder

    Do the missions/quests scale or is it only for 120+ ?
  8. Fanra

  9. Kalamos Augur

    Yep, so far the vendor has a Charm that is around LS tier 2 stats, but includes a type 9 slot where you can buy type 9 augs from same vendor pushing it up to around T3 LS. Geomantra XXVI so yeah, current content group gear stat-wise. The biggest benefit of this Charm might be 1) no specific stat equip requirements and 2) Non-prestige so FTP toons can equip it and get a bit more stats over a LS T1 charm (except AC which is higher on the T1 Security charm). Both of these would need to be confirmed once we can see it in game.

    Plus two different weapon ornaments and a clockwork boar similar to the new Bear from the Store.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Oh boy, I can hardly wait!
  11. jeskola pheerie

    The vendor rewards scale based on your character level. Let's not

  12. Riou EQResource

    Should scale yes

    You're doing the item wrong :p
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Its only good if you have progressed in the tower, but you cant till the other levels open.
  14. The real Sandaormo Augur

    Takes longer to get the key than to do the mission lol
  15. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    So the 5 mobs I molod is it? Thats the heroic mission? they all pulled single despite standing on top of each other... Did they outsource the missions to someone learning to code in HS?
  16. Puzzling Journeyman

    do task, get key. use key to do "HA" then lose key. seems pointlessly annoying use of 15 minutes

    edit: everyone in group for "HA" who has the key, loses the key... not just the person requesting the task via clicking key..
  17. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Speed run it, see if you can do it in 5 mins
  18. Nennius Curmudgeon

    At the risk of great public embarrassment, can you get the reward for the key multiple times?
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    That could be an additional achievement. Reward = Gamma slider.
    Tatanka and Inictus like this.
  20. Puzzling Journeyman

    the coins yes, they key yes, and the 20 coins for completion of the 2 tasks (10 per)
    Nennius likes this.