Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls - Dancing in the Pain

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Maym_Cazic, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Maym_Cazic Journeyman

    Looking for tips on getting this achievement. I've been moloing it on my warrior and just seems like no matter what I do I get hit with this. I have GINA triggers set up for the poison blast and run to the aura everytime, but still contract mortal decay. Any additional text to trigger on or tips for getting this achievement would be appreciated.

    EDIT: Should also I add, I have the achievement on my enchanter who was able to do it pre-HA revamp.
  2. Maedhros High King

    Pro-tip. If you're having trouble moloing something, bring friends.
    In this case especially, you should be able to bring you and your cleric merc and 4 dps classes and blow this event up so fast that she never has a chance to cast mortal decay.
    I can't imagine this mission lasting more than 15 seconds with modern dps burns.
  3. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Can you still skip all the phases with enough dps? I thought they fixed that? :confused:
  4. Maym_Cazic Journeyman

    Your pro-tip isn't super pro. I don't want to cheat the event. I want to do the mechanic. I am not even sure that works, each phase has roughly 50 million hit points and she emotes mortal decay after warping to the middle. So you would need to be doing roughly 12-15 million dps to clear the window before it hits.
  5. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    I did this a few months ago, something was changed I think, definitely wasn't as easy as I was expected, with alts in full TBL raid gear dying and I basically had to solo the last part of it. Burning it down didn't work near as well.

    I remember burning this entire thing in like 30 seconds 2 years ago.
  6. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    You can thank the Heroic Adventure scaling changes for the additional challenge.

    Much, much tougher, same old loot. It's called "fun". ;)
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Maedhros High King

    If its as hard as people are saying, like it was when it first came out; then that was about one of the hardest events to box that has existed in its original form in the last 10 years.
    Doubling down on my pro-tip. Bring friends. Also don't use levitation and do not let one of your toes stick out of the pools. Also, yes, your merc can fail the emote.
  8. Willowtree Journeyman

    I call that crap. But I read your sarcasm...:p

    Still missing that one despite the loot is crap and the mechanics too. A completion would be nice but meanwhile my resignation in this games' bugs and changes is increasing more and more - once upon a time you could ransack stoneage old parts and have fun solo/molo content nobody would waste his time anymore... perhaps time to make break for a year again... and perhaps DGB realizes that people want to have reward/loot appropriate to the difficulty...
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    No, this is actually because of the Heroic Adventure scaling changes. I believe it was Dzarn or Ngreth that stated back in Q12018 when they were making the second tuning pass on HA's that certain HAs need to be hand-tweaked depending on the way encounter mechanics are employed. This Anasthti Sul mission is one that's been overtuned since the word go. Before the second HA tuning pass NO ONE could complete this mission. I want to say it was a top-tier raid guild with the ear of the devs that actually got the second tuning pass to happen - because of this mission.