*an enraged golem

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wrathful, Sep 8, 2020.

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  1. Imdead Augur

    I thought people only care about 1 wing of ToV?
  2. AoEBox Elder

    Personal preference.
    Dozekar wing will be cleared 24/7
  3. Mushnar New Member

    The repeated rule violations and toxic behavior should at least result in a permaban of the account, especially considering the response to his "vacation" with regrets that he wasn't more toxic.
    Talimat likes this.
  4. AoEBox Elder

    I personally enjoy upcharging anyone in TEQ because the leadership has the $$ to pay for whatever they desire.
    Jade prod 3k for the casual - 2kr per TEQ members.
  5. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    You got caught and suspended. Having PvP in raid zones wouldn’t make you cheat any less. “Rip RA” (per the pic some of your members sent me and laughed about) is right.

    You’re a joke!
  6. Kahna Augur

    TOV doesn't load balance. They will all be in one pick because there will only be one pick.

    I am actually curious as to why individuals who are suspended can access their other accounts. The TOS on Aradune specifically states that punishments will be extended to all Aradune related accounts the individual has. Seem DPGs needs to stick to the TOS they laid out.
    Talimat and Tinthalas Tigris like this.
  7. Mushnar New Member

    The more occurrences of TOS violations, disruptive behavior, and even reveling in the suspension without permanent or more involved action from DPG is just going to incentivize them and set a precedence for their actions. If the accounts involved in the efforts from yesterday already had previous or repeated TOS violations, Darkpaw Games should reevaluate the temporary suspension and take further action to dissuade them from continuing their toxic behavior.

    It's clear they have no intention to stop and are not concerned in the slightest that there will be any repercussions. It's about time DPG took this seriously.
    Talimat and Dragnet Sleuth like this.
  8. Trubles New Member

    Feign death is cheating?

    Lots of people cheating then.
  9. Ruhi Augur

    gotta keep that context in mind
  10. Talimat Elder

    The group trying to train you, and kill the epic turn in mob is the most pathetic guild i've ever played with in 21 years of playing this game, and unfortunately the DBG team has proven that they are the worst crew to ever run the game as well by allowing them to break every rule they've never allowed anyone to break, then feigning ignorance and misunderstanding on the issues at hand.

    Well earned congratulations to Playstation and Mediumcore!!!!
  11. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    Common sense and situational awareness are two things you severely lack.
  12. Talimat Elder

    Wow you survived not only adds, but a train from 2 people clearly seen on the video, and the taunter trying to and successfully pulling aggro once and trying to run with it. Great job folks. We just need to band together and fight off disease like this. If any of the guild leads want to band together and help one another, i'd be game.
  13. Talimat Elder

    Lol agreed, if you can't train someone in PoF, you are pathetic. Wow it's a pathetic job, but it's difficulty level is age 8 and under.
  14. Talimat Elder

    Some people are as pathetic of liars as they are guild leaders. That being said, the video clearly speaks for itself and shows multiple individuals dragging mobs clearly enough to be seen, and it was not 3, it also shows your wolf form, whose name can be seen, trying to taunt and run. The entire guild needs banned permanently. And it'd be nice if it was from all MMO's as 95 % of the community would rather not play with them.
  15. Talimat Elder

    That's a violation of the naming shaming policy to specifically target people so people should not do that, and if they do, or do other things like afk camp spawn points, train, or prevent the completion of quests, perhaps they should have someone more literate read the policies to them.
  16. Talimat Elder

    Great and accurate point, however an unmentioned guild does not follow rules, even their own, and they can always lie their way out of anything.
  17. Talimat Elder

    That's a TON of mobs for a cleared zone as the unmentioned guild leader claimed it was.....
  18. Talimat Elder

    I would take time to mention that OW Gorenare was up for quite awhile, or that they aren't coordinated enough to down it in the unmentioned guild (even listed as a non-target for them), but I won't waste my time. Grats to a top raid guild MIM in downing OW Gore last night.
    Antonico likes this.
  19. Talimat Elder

    This guild training at least 3 different guilds in this exact same spot has already been proven, all 3 times. DBG is chosing to do nothing about it, and that's just as terrible as the unmentioned guild doing it in the first place.
  20. Talimat Elder

    What are the EverQuest Rules of Conduct?

    May 20, 2020 14:25

    1. You may not harass or threaten other players.
    (Training is certainly harassment)

    2. You may not harass others. Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the Game Master involved will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed.
    (Gee I would assume telling specific players, guilds, and the entire server they are blocking you from completing an epic or two, would definately constitute an inconvenience.

    3. You may not disrupt the normal playability of a zone or area. Zone/Area Disruption is defined as any activity designed to harm or inconvenience a number of groups rather than a specific player or group of players.
    (This would definately apply to the epic turn in)

    Implying Favoritism by Game Masters - Stating that employees of Daybreak Game Company LLC or members of the Guide program will show favor towards one or more parties involved in any given situation. This includes, but is not limited to, using threats of retribution or inferring that you will not be held accountable for your actions due to special consideration.

    7. You may not operate a guild that habitually violates these rules. Disciplinary issues involving guilds may be addressed with the entire guild. Guilds whose members habitually violate these rules may be issued guild warnings and can even be permanently disbanded. Guild Leaders and/or officers may be held accountable for any actions of their guild members, in addition to any other actions that may be taken. It is therefore the responsibility of the guild leadership to ensure that all guild members abide by these rules.
    (Ooops this negates the poor excuse that "I didn't condone it, or I told my 34 members in that zone who were not attending a required raid to not interfere)

    8. Unattended Gameplay It is not permitted for an account to be played unattended or AFK. If you are going to be away from the computer for more than a few seconds please move your character to an empty corner of the zone or log out completely. If a character, including any pets or mercs, is found performing actions while the user is away disciplinary action may be taken against the account.
    (This means having 6 feign death characters at a broken golem spawn 24/7 is a violation of policy)

    Use the official forums as a staging-ground for creating general unrest within the game
    (And i'd throw in this one, since they come to the forum with 20-40 people and flame everyone to further create game unrest over their actions which are already creating game unrest.)

    DBG Please address the rule violations, or change your rules to reflect that you really do not care about rules anymore.
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