Alternate Persona

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FranktheBank, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I disagree. I don't even care about the "fast-alt switching". Just sharing flags and tradeskills on an account would be HUGE. I don't play a ton, and whenever I debate rolling a new alt, I always decide against it, because I've barely had time to flag/tradeskill on one character on an account. Who has time to do that all again on another one?
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Kaenneth like this.
  2. Zunnoab Augur

    I know at least two people that raid on 2-3 servers. But obviously that is not the norm. I say that only in response to "who has time?"
  3. Riou EQResource

    It is not alts it is for your character itself
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Riou EQResource

    You're possibly still gonna have to level the alternate persona unless you pay for a heroic character to skip it closer
    Skuz likes this.
  5. Zunnoab Augur

    Exactly like Final Fantasy XIV.

    That is not a complaint.
    Skuz, FranktheBank and Swiss like this.
  6. Versifier Elder

    Patching Beta(Beta Server itself is not up yet, at least for me) gives you NEW UI files for LS including a Personas Tab in the inventory.
    Copying the files over to LIVE the Inventory window would not load at all.
    However, if you copy the files to TEST the Inventory window opens and the Personas tab loads(None of the buttons work).


    Looks like it might be actual Classes.
    Unique Gear sets, UI layouts, Skills, AA, Face, Dye, and Achievement Buttons per class?
    Can even seemingly Apply Heroic character boosts.
    Skuz, Moege, Fanra and 7 others like this.
  7. Noanir New Member

    The feature similar to job change in FF14 sounds interesting, but if the current class imbalances don't change, I think everyone will become BSK from MNK, and DRU will become SHM.
    Badchanter likes this.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Leveling takes WAY less time than all the flagging and tradeskilling.
    Skuz, Tarvas, Fenthen and 3 others like this.
  9. Kalamos Augur

    Man people's ingenuity never ceases to amaze me. Nice job sleuthing this out!
    Wdor, Lothar, Skuz and 3 others like this.
  10. Swiss Augur

    The purchase alt-slot button has me worried about how limited behind a paywall it will be.
    Badchanter, Barton, Allayna and 2 others like this.
  11. Riou EQResource

    You buy each 1 slot per 1 class. One/Some of the more expensive expansion pre purchase seems to include +1 slot

    So if you want all classes you buy to have all 16 slots (your base class not counting or its the default 1st slot of 16)
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Fenthen like this.
  12. Swiss Augur

    That would be a let down and probably kill the feature for most people if it didn't at least have a few free ones.
    Barton and Fenthen like this.
  13. Brickhaus Augur

    It's not really an expansion feature if you can't access it without paying more money now is it?

    Edit - My big worry from admittedly the little we've seen so far is that they are trying to create a new source of income for DPG, but using the new expansion's development effort to fund it. So already smaller and smaller development time/effort/etc. on game stuff will be really reduced this expansion leaving us with a shell of one. And having a shell of an expansion may finally break the Live server raiders from continuing to support the game because it will be clear that it's now just about money.
    Barton and Fenthen like this.
  14. Swiss Augur

    Yea, I think it's fair to give it as a base game feature as well, with a few free slots, then some additional slots with this expansion and then the rest of the 16 on the store.

    It will be healthier for the game long term if people are using this feature to level through content again it may make new players able to find a group at lower levels on live servers instead of just TLP. The first free ones will be more for long term since this expansion won't be for sale forever.

    Lots of benefits if they don't restrict access too much by putting a paywall up for all the slots.
  15. Riou EQResource

    Features have been this way for awhile now, purchasing the Expansion only grants you the Feature "free" as part of a "bundled" Expansion edition, and once it's not for sale you have to buy it straight up if you didn't buy when "bundled" with the Expansion

    It's not like the past where features were hard tied to the Expansion and purchasing the next gave the full feature
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Skuz like this.
  16. Brickhaus Augur

    That's just not true. My basic expansion purchase account has 250 tradeskill depot slots, 125 dragon horde slots, 10 teleportation key slots, 14 hero's forge key slots, 10 familiar key slots, 16 illusion key slots (I think maybe it started with 11 and I bought 5), 10 mount key slots...

    And each character on the account for the basic expansion purchase got access to those.

    Even if I didn't use the feature, at least I could have it for possible use regardless of the level of expansion purchased.

    Now you seem to have more information than the rest of us. And if you get one slot per character on an account, my argument falls a little flat. But if you only get one slot per account with this from the basic expansion (or worse ... none), then it's a further narrowing of what has happened before.

    And I think it would be fair to say that DPG is in full money grab mode now.

    (All this assumes they get it to work ... which the guild tradeskill depot would like a word ... )
  17. Cicelee Augur

    Part of the 100-120 grind involves the ability to do expansion merc/partisan/missions for huge chunks of XP. If my persona is already going to have my main's checkmarks for all of those things already, that means the only way to level up a persona is killing mobs?

    O wow. Talk about a timesink.
  18. FranktheBank Augur

    I think it's safe to assume we will get at least 1 class slot for free, then more available for purchase.

    Good point, although I don't know if it would need fixing. Yes it'll be a grind, but I think it might be a fair tradeoff.

    My concerns are about the gearing. I am a lvl 120 enchanter, I class swap to mage. I assume I am lvl 1 and will have 0 AAs, until leveling up to auto grant. When I reach 120, can I use my raid 2hb and other non-class specific gears? Also, epics have a lore tag Epic Weaponry, does that mean I can't have another classes epic? (Potentially fixable by swapping to unique-equipped?). Slot 3 augs also may cause issues. maybe this can be the final push to get rid of them because it's a horrible system. Can I raid on my Ench, loot a raid bp, swap to mage and craft it?

    I don't really mind the idea of starting over at 1 and leveling again with the assumption I can swap on the fly. Also what restrictions of swapping? Out of combat, rested state, x minutes since last swap? Someone suggested 7d which essentially makes it a useless feature. 20min? 30min?
    Barton, Riou and Ssdar like this.
  19. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    I don't supposed I'll be able to 'merge' existing characters on my account?
  20. Riou EQResource

    Keep in mind that those keyring slots go to like 255, dragons hoard to 250 and TS hoard goes to like 5000, so looking at what you get vs the cap in most cases recently it has been very little of the way vs the max cap of the feature

    We don't know yet if it is 1 slot per character or account or server, but even at base class +1 extra slot to choose, that's probably plenty for most people, unless you are crazy about classes you probably wouldn't even want more then adding one of the like 4 Flavor of the Decade classes as an option, or covering the bases of 1 slot per archetype

    Then the amount of grinding to even get them all to max, get their gear (epics if they fix the Lore stuff or certain classes will be not viable without them) and etc probably wouldn't make you run out to buy more slots anytime soon either or need a ton of them extra/waiting