Alliance agro calculations broken?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Maedhros, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. Chaosflux Augur


    this guy gets it!
  2. p2aa Augur

    Has nothing to do with the quality of the tank.
    With the current version, not a single tank can out aggro a 2 million sudden aggro hit on a mob who is blurring aggro during the event. And when you are out of 100% taunt because this thing happened to many DPS in the 1 min timeframe the old classic taunt is not going to save the DPS all the time.
    I'm glad they are fixing it.
  3. Biltene Kingslayer

    It's almost like that was considered when setting the mana cost (at least for wizards) at 13k.
  4. Snazster Elder

    This would only make sense if the attacks didn't cost endurance to cast (and they have a fairly high cost). The methods you propose would just be a double charge--except for those who zone, fd, or die before the second endurance charge came due.
    Cakekizy likes this.
  5. fransisco Augur

    I suppose the high agro would make more sense if someone had control over it.
    Right now, you can nuke and catch agro due to an effect from a different player.
  6. Whulfgar Augur

    I am whulf, in Reckless Assension.

    I have ZERO issues ever .. when my casters use this. Ifeel bad for you if you have issues with aggro for this being used. Neither myself nor the other warrior EVER have issues when this is used via raids.

    So with out question .. with out doubt .. YES .. it has EVERYTHING to do with the quality of the tank don't take my word for it. Ask any caster in Reckless Assension if we EVER have issues with aggro when this goes off.
  7. Coronay Augur

    wow you are so cool. :rolleyes:
    fransisco and Whulfgar like this.
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    Only compared to some ..
  9. p2aa Augur

    You have just been lucky to not have tanked a raid boss that memblur and that has a DPS fulmination hitting early on at the aggro restart. Also, this fulmination thing is also on melee DPS alliances stuff, not only casters.
  10. Coronay Augur

    inc post about how he has, with rez effects and no buffs, blinded and lagging and never dropping aggro in 3...2...1...
    Chaosflux likes this.
  11. Zigie Journeyman

    Like it matters...we would need a 3rd BST in the guild and to be on raids before WE ever have to worry about it procing.
  12. Zigie Journeyman

    So Fransisco, correct me if i'm wrong, a wizard could cast Lures of the waste and nothing else, and if its the one that procs the Frostbound Fulmination then it does 2.7 mill damage from a 6000 mana spell. Not sure how that is being double-charged.
  13. Gialana Augur

    I just reread the patch notes, and they are a little vague. It just says that the Fulmination now credits the appropriate character. I took that to mean the one who originally cast the Alliance spell on the mob, not the one who triggers the fulmination.

    Either way, Francisco's point was that someone had to cast the Alliance spell in the first place, which has a hefty mana/endurance cost. If more mana were charged to whomever receives credit for the fulmination (whoever that is), then why not just include it in the initial cast of the Alliance spell?
  14. Zigie Journeyman

    Because the price you are paying would be to auto-activate the aggro reducer due to you getting credited for the 2 million damage, charging the initial caster of the alliance that wont be able to get a proc or credit for 2 million damage WOULD be double-charging that player.

    If you cast a 1000 mana nuke, would you really have an issue with getting changed another 10000 mana so instead of landing for 6000 you land 2 million damage and not get the added aggo.
  15. kizant Augur

    Maybe the extra penalty does make sense for some classes but it definitely doesn't for wizards. It's not a massive amount of damage for us at all. During a normal burn with typical ADPS during a raid we can do over 2 million with just twincasting Skyblaze.

    And if there's still confusion over how it works. The person who cast alliance in the first place gets the damage and the agro from the fulmination. That's assuming it's able to fulminate in the first place. The spells overwrite each other and you're not guaranteed enough casts get in so it's already a gamble where you may lose a lot of mana for nothing.
  16. fransisco Augur

    It goes against part of the way eq trys to do agro. Generally you are responsible and in control of the agro you create.
    With a fulmination, you cast a spell and get a ton of agro due to someone else's actions. That is different than everything else in eq.
  17. dwish Augur

    I agree with you, and I also wish they would have kept the fulmination damage as "hidden" damage. The way this spell is setup now, DPS classes are going to have to use this spell literally for years if they want to maximize DPS. 2 million+ damage every 60 seconds is a lot of damage from a single spell/disc. It penalizes some classes compared to others, and hurts classes with too many or too few of a particular class on a raid.

    As a DPS class myself, I don't really enjoy obtaining a huge chunk of my damage by praying my classmates don't overwrite my alliance, or die on raids making it to where they aren't even able to proc my fulmination due to having no mana. I can play perfectly on raids, but because others in my class screwed up the fulmination procs (which I have no control over), I miss out on literally millions of damage. Not a fan of this ability/spell design.
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    Better/more aggressive dps would possibly mean you were higher in the server rankings.
    Elricvonclief and Whulfgar like this.
  19. Whulfgar Augur

    Or bigstomp, even if we added 1 day .. we would have placed higher. Unfortunately we do not add days to our raid schedule what so ever. Unlike certain other guilds eh.. eh .. biggie ol buddy ?
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    The hate wasn't that insane (at least on raid mobs. On group mobs it could be insane). For raid mobs it was more the random super-hate that was the issue.