all characters tested ok

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by gluteous, May 21, 2015.

  1. gluteous Elder

    everything looks good now
  2. Jezzie Augur

    Seems fine here, not sure what the Gloomingdeep Lantern thing is, I didn't have any luck getting one of those
  3. Kunfo Augur

    Same, Wood Elf Druid and Half Elf Bard both good in Gfay
  4. oleris Elder

    urinezombie and Stewgottz like this.
  5. Elfintolerant New Member

    same here. the 6 characters that had no gear in gfay and surefall are all good now. the other characters in oggok. Skaladim and grobb are still ok.
  6. VoltrunVoltari Lorekeeper

    Tested 25 characters.. 10 in Gfay (3 different instances) and scattered the rest around Norrath. No failures to report.
  7. Tronk Augur

    Yeah all mine were good now too
  8. Solreal New Member

    I'm at work, so can't contribute, but would like to thank those that are helping test.

    Mearwin likes this.
  9. Viltaire Augur

    Female gnome Shadow knight Bertoxxulous glooming deep lantern
  10. Stewgottz Augur

    That sig Lol...
    urinezombie likes this.
  11. Jadefox Augur

    Flora the Half/wood/high/dark Elf Barbarian Human and a novice of every class, entered Norrath with all her gear and spells... and at level 1 to boot. I'm liking what I'm seeing.

    -- Jade Flora
  12. Deadlyne Elder

    Lantern is only a light source anyway, albeit a good one. But with the lack of darkness compared to classic its really not doing much of anything anyway.
  13. Jadefox Augur

    We started with the lantern in the Beta. I just assumed that it was supposed to be there.

  14. Solreal New Member

    Agree, I remember Gfay being pitch black. Now? More like light gray.
  15. Weverley Augur

    Everything was fine this time and no the lantern is by default i know it's not classic but it's very secondary
  16. Sskefka New Member

    I have made a variety of characters and all has been fine. I think the lantern is the fix and I'd say it worked.