Agnarr brought me back to "modern EQ"... how it can bolster revenues & community at no cost

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by HoodenShuklak, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. Mashef Augur

    Agnarr would benefit more from relaxed truebox. Many people are "between" games right now as nothing good is out or has come out for a while.

    I won't just go to Agnarr because I am not trying to bust out 3 extra PC rigs.
  2. Herf Augur

    You must have Agnarr confused with some other server.

    While there are many boxers on Agnarr, that's different from bots. And most boxers are more than happy to drop a box to let a live player into their group.

    Agnarr is friendly because we like it there, we want it to continue, and we recognise that it's in our best interests to make the server a very friendly, social, place. That's why we continue to attract people who are looking for a relaxed server where they have all the time in the world to advance their characters and create new ones.
  3. Bewts Augur

    FWIW every boxer I have come across on Agnarr runs some variant of a 3 to 6 box.

    Whether they are doing low man raid targets, grinding xp in paw, doing LDONs or simply farming something; a simple tell will normally net you a spot - sometimes even to just stand around AFK while they do their thing (like paw xp grinds).

    I cannot say EVERYONE does that, or that everyone would do it for free with a tell from a stranger; but rare is the situation where there is a flat ignore or decline if you ask to join

    I haven’t seen any box armies since joining; so if people are anxious about those, they’re extremely rare or are in very reclusive places.

    You will occasionally run across some AFK things but those are 99% linked to farming TS mats which in the grand scheme of things is inconsequential to locations anyone other than another tradeskiller would find themselves.

    Expanding or relaxing truebox (say to 3 accounts per PC or even 6) wouldn’t change much I don’t think as the population is small enough that any box army that doesn’t play nice would find itself quickly reported; let alone lacking a population to fund the kronos needed to maintain it.
    Herf likes this.
  4. Xeris Augur

    Ya there are no more big box groups left on the server. Nobody here as far as I know boxes more than 6.
  5. Cidran Augur

    After Al'Kabor, Agnarr is one of the greatest experiences I've had with EQ and I recommend everybody to try it out, even with current population, which I consider to be decent.

    I also think small adjustments would do wonders for the server. For example, adding veteran rewards like Lesson of the Devoted & Expedient Recovery. Not something necessary, but it'd be very welcome.
  6. PipotheAFILADOR Journeyman

    Add the pure cosmetics available to live servers to Agnarr.

    Another idea just for a pure revenue idea. Add something to the store to allow race changes for any class to any race. Cant start a troll.monk but for 20bucks you can make him one.

    I know id be $120 poorer if they did this
  7. Bewts Augur

    I’d be open to race change at level 65 only. Dwarf Monk FTW.
    Herf likes this.
  8. Herf Augur

  9. Primaul New Member

    Another nod for Agnarr. Personally the appeal of being able to "beat" EQ in a sense is great. I love the level/era lock.

    I believe there is an appeal to this version of a "scaled" EQ experience. Not having 100k or more aa to acquire. Dozens of overlapping AA abilities, clickies and discs to manage. Not having to farm or make multiple augs per piece or armor. Anyways you get the point.

    Worth mentioning i came to Agnarr after leaving multiple characters at the end of the CoV exp. They were max aa, max TS's, raid geared, completed rallos ear, and all the TS augs. With artisan's prize done on my main toon as well. So i have truly seen both sides of the game. I chose Agnarr.

    Getting your toon to full best in slot, with max aa, TS's and an Ldon charm aug is no small task. It would take even a pretty hardcore player quite awhile to run out of things to do.

    I fully support anyone trying or anything being done to promote Agnarr. I believe it is a great middle ground for a great game. Anyways that's my 2 cents.