Agnar Character Select Screen No Start Button

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Warvok Von' Klauss, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Warvok Von' Klauss New Member

    Need Some Clarity here please. On Agnar server I am trying to make a human monk character. So I picked the human race, starting city of Freeport along with the associated deity. Filled the name out (tried many different names) allocated my advanced skill points to dexterity and strength. But the enter world or start button never shows anywhere on the GUI. I even went as far to buy another character slot which I'm now 0/12 in count. Still unable to activate a character and yes I have all access for the next 25 days or so. Please help I would love to get on the server and group with actually people like the olds days in 1999. 1 person 1 account no hydras people working together. What am I doing wrong please help.
  2. Kahlev Al-Calen Augur

    Make sure EQ is running using the same resolution as your windows desktop, or funny things happend otherwise (usually game crashes, but missing buttons is not unheard of).

    Try hitting alt-enter to switch between windowed and full screen mode, that should make the buttons reappear as you switch resolutions.
    Warvok Von' Klauss likes this.
  3. Warvok Von' Klauss New Member

    Boom that was it. Windows mode doesn't allow for the start button it thinks your trying to hydra. Awesome thanks for the help