After Reading The New Servers The Hype is 100% Dead NO FV and Your rule sets??? 100% Fail

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Barathrum, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. Barathrum Augur

    I mean everyone just face palmed!!! We didn't even get a FV Server! They do not care about us at all thats what we should take away they do not care!

    When Blizzard Said MOBILE Diablo we thought it was pretty bad.............

    DBG H O L D M Y B E E R
    Risiko likes this.
  2. Jontrann Augur

    Same, i'm out unless they change these rulesets. I didn't play on coirnav and i won't play on these 2.
    jeskola likes this.
  3. Stagentti Augur


    Not currently subbed as I had to quit a bit back due to real life stuff.

    Was hoping to resub for one of these.

    Monumental let down.
    jeskola likes this.
  4. Ishbu Augur

    Yeah this was a complete face palm.

    1 month for casual players to level 1-60 and see all the content of classic, kunark, velious, and luclin? Not possible. That is hardcore for sure.

    Then the supposed hardcore server is phony with slower xp? Isnt the slow xp what caused the decline of Phinny in the first place?
  5. Serona Elder

    Lol .. what a joke, double true box servers ... this garbage has been rolled out server after server for the past 3-4 now.

    Launch a 3rd Ragefireesque server with instances.
    Kruggan_Darkblood likes this.
  6. Barathrum Augur

    I hate to say this but i honestly feel like this was made up yesterday. I do not feel this company knows its player base nor does it care about its player base! 20 years and we can not even get a FV TLP! Truly a sad day for EQ and truly a joke of a rule set!

    Necro Dot Revamp?
    Classic Loot revamp?
    Classic Class Balance?
    FV Rules?
    All classes/Races open From start?

    Who ever came up with these rules doesn't know a thing about eq or its players!
  7. Trevalon Augur

    Unlock schedule is a joke on Selo and frankly so is the starting in Luclin - Wont be playing unless Unlock schedule is at least 2 months.
    Crayon123 likes this.
  8. Crayon123 Augur

    2 months indeed, please fix this.
  9. FarHelm1 Elder

    FV is the most popular server on live. Why it doesn't exist on TLP is beyond me.
    Pirlo, jeskola and Kruggan_Darkblood like this.
  10. Barathrum Augur

    Its because DBG doesn't care about its players or its game! Thats why so little effort was put into these rules... Hell even creating two FV servers would be lazy but we would at least throw r $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    at it
  11. Groans Augur

    Agree with op
  12. Gremin Augur

    All daybreak is doing is shooting themselves in the foot, quickening the death of this game. Better start find your resumes and updating em....
  13. Ceffener Augur

    Mobile Diablo will make way more money.
  14. Kruggan_Darkblood Lorekeeper

    This boggles my mind too. I play on FV and would love the opportunity for a fresh start on a TLP (no, not on Brekt). FV looting also favors casuals. Changing the Selo's server to have a 2 month unlock schedule and FV loot rules would resolve most of this.
    Pirlo and Tyrs like this.
  15. jeskola pheerie

    This. Also, fv doesn't have truebox.

    If they did a fv non truebox tlp it would be huge profit
  16. Tyrs New Member

    It's like you're inside my head...
    Kruggan_Darkblood likes this.
  17. Bones New Member

    DBG you are not listening! No FV loot wtf!!!
  18. Quill Augur

    The first day on the Casual Server is everybody logging in to see if anybody else logged in. Then logging off.

    The first day on the Hardcore Server is nobody logging in because nobody cares about Vulak 2.0.
  19. Jalen007 Lorekeeper

    When I saw there was no free trade rules for either server I was pretty confused. Is this something that can be added before launch?
  20. Barathrum Augur

    We have a very short list of Demands! If the demands r not met we will Burn Freeport to the ground! Then we will burn Qeynos followed by each starting City!

    Selos 1 month expansion unlock after defeat or 2 month unlocks FV rule set its not hard

    Mangler FV rule set its not hard unless you do not care