AFK AE Players screwing Aradunes economy

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dirkman, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    Just going to throw this out there, they are probably making about 15-20k raw plat a day from vendor items. More once you factor in the earrings and stuff. No way are they making 300k a day. No way are they making 100k a day.

    That being said, I think they need to be banned on Aradune for bypassing the 2 box rule. Sadly, I also think plvling is a useful service. The issue is, people wanted a server where there were specific rules. Aradune has those rules so people shouldn't be abusing them. I personally would love to be able to box my full group there, but I can't because of the rules, and yes, I have six computers. I found an IT guy selling computers on FB marketplace for less than $50 each. They won't do much, but they will run EQ.
    Bobbybick likes this.
  2. Radazl New Member

    to those who care, go and record them in the deep west side then. (and east for that agag****). Dreamweaver supposedly said in aradune channel they dont do anything unless people petition and submit videos. I submitted videos of 2 a while back and 1 hour later they responded and I heard from people in discord that those 2 got suspended and some buyers were suspended too and sure enough the toons were not on (one of them alternated in west with a day pl'er and locked the pick down before, not sure what they do now). Seems like the only action they took when i provided video. Actually if you go now theres one main pl'er who is at it every day in main pick west side.
  3. Velog New Member

    These threads are always so predictable. Someone posts cheating is rampant in EQ. Everyone knows it is true, yet the thread is then flooded with people trying to demonize the person making the statement and those same people try their hardest to justify the cheating going on.
    Bullsnooze likes this.
  4. Doop New Member

    You folks are reading into the rules a bit too much, classic Warhammer 40,000 issue.

    It's evident DPG made changes to the EULA to make it easier for them to penalize people when they needed to as people have found countless ways to exploit certain mechanics over the course of 22 years of Everquest.

    No one in their right mind is going to ban/suspend anyone for just being afk while in a group that is gaining xp. Plain and simple. Now I suspect someone has actually gotten hit with a ban as someone reported them falsely and their petition was addressed without looking into the details ( something that can literally happen for anything in any game ) but that's besides the point.

    Y'all are arguing over a policy that is by design vague and gray to benefit DPG, nothing else. Starting arguments that lead to petty personal attacks over the least important issue with this topic as a whole is not a good use of time.

    I'd suggest dropping the AFK part of this discussion. Focus on players using bots and playing over the 2 box limit.

    Just trying to be helpful :)
    Yonson likes this.
  5. Xhartor Augur

    The people who were screwing up the economy was SG bot crew. They were producing FAR more plat then the AEers in the Deep.

    If anything the deep PLers are doing the server a favor by flooding the market with fungoid sap.

    If you want to mess with the PLer's on the West, jump down into the Pit and kill the Eldars they traped down there.
  6. Bullsnooze Augur

    This is probably the most illogical thing I've ever read and this stance is the most infuriating thing about the monetization of gaming. It allows lazy people the very excuse: "I work 2 hours a day and don't have time to play'. and those that are funded by them the added defense of, 'don't tell people how to play or spend their hard earned money blah blah blah'.

    Such a ridiculous motion. If you are playing, you have time. You are just lazy and have money that probably isn't disposal to spend.

    Pretty much.

    I try not to argue anymore as it's pointless. I just report with videos, wait for the bans, and smile when it happens.
  7. Boze TLP complaint factory

    Strangest part of these threads to me is the people who write paragraphs about a server they don't even play on (not all of you novelists of course but there's a few on here).

    PLing is an essential service for folks who hate the grind.
  8. Triconix Augur

    1. Rules state being afk is not permitted. It's purposely vague because GMs can take action for any afk individual that is found throughout the world, depending on how severe they think it is. It's very much a judgement call for them and they avoid, and have avoided, specific scenarios that were brought up in the past.

    We technically are all guilty of potentially breaking this rule, including myself. I've gone afk 5 mins to go to the bathroom, grab a snack, whatever. However, if I know my afk will be 10+ minutes I log out to char select. Not hard. Not sure why more don't. What's it saving you, 15 seconds of zoning back in?

    However, the severe offenders are the ones at risk. Multi hour afks while getting quantitative benefits. It comes down to how do GMs view this? Is it severe enough to punish? Rules state they can punish you. It doesn't say they will. That's your risk you take. And if they do, I wouldn't care.

    2. Again, you're not reading. I'm not trying to get anyone punished. I'm highlighting your bias opinion. A cheater is a cheater, regardless of severity.

    Most people speed. Most people don't care about speeders. Is it still illegal? Yes. Do cops enforce it? Sometimes, when the offense is severe enough. This is essentially the same thing. You don't care that people are circumventing server rules to receive afk PLs, but it doesn't mean it's not against the rule. This is all I'm stating. Something you're clearly so obtuse to. Just acknowledge the fact the rules are being bent, most likely broken, and accept you don't care enough for GMs to enforce it. Is it too hard for you do accept this?

    3. The powerlevelers themselves are often times cheating as well by using more than 1 boxed char. You didn't like SG botters avoiding this rule, but again, you are fine with the PLers. See, again you're being selective with your rule enforcement.
  9. Gnothappening Augur

    I believe plvling is a useful service that some players provide. I have used it myself before, just not on Aradune. The issue is, this server is supposed to be just 2 accounts per person. That is the primary rule of this server that is drawing people in. Did I think truebox max 2 was dumb when it was proposed and created? Yes. That doesn't make it any less important that people follow that rule.
  10. Bullsnooze Augur

    I think a lot of you folks in the defense are missing the point or just willfully ignorant.

    Scenario #1

    Power Leveling if...
    - You receive help from a high level player.
    - You are actively playing and in good faith of other players.
    - You pay with legitimate coin or krono (purchased from DB or traded legally).

    This scenario is legal and within the rules, but we all know this is a rare occurrence.

    Scenario #2

    Power Leveling if...
    - You are AFK and gaining levels. (Against the Rules)
    - Causing zone disruption by pulling everything with actual groups in the zone (Against the rules)
    - Moreover, trying to 'claim' all NPCs as your own. (Against the rules)
    - Paying with krono or coin purchased outside the game (Against the rules)

    This scenario is the problem, what's being discussed in this thread, and it's what's actively going on in the game. There is no argument against it.

    Here's an example of the nonsense going on in the lowbie zones with high ZEM,

    While leveling alts with friends in SolA we were in the zone for quite a while without issue. That is until a power level group zoned in and immediately declared the zone camped. We ignored them, but they tried, and eventually started to pull everything from the area we occupied. No problem, it's not against the rules to contest. So after the invasion we assessed their lowbie group and figured we'd just contest back and eventually got all the XP from their massive pulls (thanks for like easiest and quickest 4 levels for my Bard/Necro!

    At this point, they're calling us the 'kill stealers'. This was super ironic, because I'd never thought a group of level 25s would ever be accused of kill stealing 60s after they were the ones that tried to muscle in and power level their paying group, but whatever. Upset and defeated they proceeded to kill everything with their high level players and like clockwork (pun intended), they actually admitted to doing so out of character, we petitioned, and they all went offline shortly thereafter.
  11. Gnothappening Augur

    I think it can be boiled down to something simpler. Aradune is max 2 boxes per person. People doing the Deep plvling are 6+ toons per person.
  12. Bullsnooze Augur

    No doubt about it.
  13. Haze Journeyman

    Sorry you don’t have 120 banked AAs lol.


    Happy Deep AE customer
    Laronk and Siah like this.
  14. Baldur Augur

    It really is a ridiculous change to the rules. They could suspend everyone sitting afk in the nexus, because you are gaining buffs while you are afk. I know they don't, but they could if they wanted to, and I suppose that was why they changed the rule, so they could justify any suspension if you were afk.

    I had to leave in a hurry once, ran to a safe spot, started camping, thought I typed /camp on both comps, but I must have mistyped and one didn't camp and I didn't notice. He got booted after 30 mins I'm sure, but some Karen decided to petition him and when I got back, 7 day suspension. Not worth fighting it either, because technically I broke the rules.
  15. ubrnoob New Member

    There's quite a lot of people in here that don't understand what the EULA means lol.

    Oh well, god bless the TLPs and the drama they bring.
  16. Siah Elder

    So I may know someone who does AOE exp quite often in The Deep. He only plays 2 characters, a cleric to pull, and an enchanter to stun. He lets a wizard join for free exp to nuke the mobs down. Granted the wizard is the only class doing the damage, he tends to sell the other 5 spots in the wizards group to other people. So, he isn't breaking any rules by 2 boxing. If the people in the wizards group choose to AFK, that is on them. But the person who is doing all the work isn't breaking any rules. So the people buying the leveling will be punished if anything.
  17. Gnothappening Augur

    I find it hard to believe that a single enchanter is locked down enough mobs to make aoe even worth it. Anyone paying kr for that is desperate. Does the wizard he invites also run a 2nd enchanter?
  18. Siah Elder

    A single enchanter with multiple stuns loaded can easily lock down the mobs, and it's about 7-8aa/hour. I have 300aa with 120 banked on my cleric, not far behind on my monk. Bring in guildies nearly everyday to max there aa too. But guess I'm desperate? /shrug lol
  19. Alchem The Judge Journeyman

    This reminded me of the two reasons I don't play TLP's. There is no reliving those first poignant moments in my EQ experience. You can't recreate the 'firsts' you felt, not well at least imo. Secondly, the same old politics. At least on live server when I feel like I'm being out gunned by a bot group I can open up my achv and quest window/log and do something else. It's an amazing feeling to not feel screwed out of my plans for the day. After 22 years can't you find some other way to adapt to the situation other than calling on big brother? I mean wasn't that one of the feelings you were trying to reproduce - 'community'. Take care of it yourself IN-GAME. Rally your server together and if it's a huge problem they will get behind you and if they don't, well you're in the minority and this is how crappy it feels to live in that world. It's the only one we have though.
  20. AoEBox Elder

    Hmm 7-8AA per hour maybe with the bonus but without you would be very lucky to get that.
    1.5AA per pull with the 10-15m respawn + pull time you look at 6 max +/- with a potion running.

    Now onto the point of 1 enchanter stunning , there are a few locations you can do this but Deep is not one of them unless you have 2 bards running inside the group for the resist debuffs "Denons".
    Even with all 4 stuns loaded you have a split second the mobs become unstunned and running that manually leads to alot of missed stuns ( which is an instant death ) when you have a full deep pull the size you are talking.

    Normal Deep AoE is 2 ench with the occasional 3rd for safety ( with a bard for Denons still because resists do happen even @ 65 )

    If you have spent 80hrs in Deep aoeing and not gotten reported you must be the Karen that reports every other living soul on the server because you feel entitled.